Have your skills expired? Here’s a simple way to stay relevant
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Have your skills expired? Here’s a simple way to stay relevant

It’s true that we don’t really have a sell-by date stamped on us — although you might think that we should have one by the end of this article.

A sell-by or best-before date is one of the best ways to signify when something will no longer be good, relevant or significant.

Now, let’s put the idea of the sell-by date into a leadership context — people constantly worry and ask themselves whether or how they can avoid becoming obsolete. Given the rapid pace of change in the world of work, many people fear that they could become obsolete, facing underemployment or unemployment when they pass their sell-by date. It’s one of the topics of greatest concern to employees around the world.

So what is the best solution to prevent our skills and capabilities from expiring? In other words, how can you future-proof yourself for tomorrow’s workplace?

Generally, most people are so busy keeping up with the day-to-day routine that they can’t prepare for tomorrow. However, given the speed of change in the business landscape, shifting technologies, fierce competition among corporations, and the talent war occurring on a global level, the least you can do is follow the following simple tips, which I believe anyone can practise every day.

Learn-Unlearn-Relearn: This is a mantra I use daily and I encourage others to do likewise.

Learning is not just about adding information and knowledge to our repertoire; it is also about unlearning the habits and beliefs that hold us back, and replacing them with habits and beliefs that help us to achieve the desired success.

This skill is critical because as the world grows more and more complicated, it is impossible for us to know everything; hence, we need to keep learning. But learning alone or acquiring knowledge alone will not take us anywhere. Instead, we must be willing to unlearn and try to find new methods — even if previous approaches brought about great results. That is why unlearning and relearning usually happen together as a consecutive process.

Improve your ability to apply existing knowledge. A person who can finish reading 100 books in a day is not necessarily a fast learner. The speed of acquiring theoretical knowledge is not as critical as the speed of applying what you already know. In a world that never stops changing, people who can take existing knowledge and quickly apply it in practice will be able to overcome challenges more easily than those who are merely equipped with theoretical knowledge.

Keeping your skill set up to date is crucial, but so is knowing which skills are most important. The question is, how can you tell which skills are most relevant for you? For a start, I’d suggest you ask an expert. Seek insights from those who can give you the right advice to develop your career in the right direction. Attend meetings with relevant people from your industry to make face-to-face contact and expand your network. Exchanging ideas with them will be most helpful and beneficial.

Most importantly, stay abreast of what’s going on in your industry in order to learn about recent trends. In fact, I recommend that you to stay up to date on local and global developments of all kinds, even if the focus of your daily responsibilities is on a very specific aspect. This skill alone can help you lift your profile and stay ahead of your competitors.

In short, I’d say that if you want to keep your skills relevant, keep learning (in any situation), open your mind to a world beyond where you are now, connect with those who can possibly help you make your future happen, seek experiences that will help prepare you for tomorrow, and last but not least, stay motivated at every step in your career — be it up and down.

You know the future is going to demand more of you, and you know you want to stay relevant. The best thing you can do to show your boss that you’re dedicated, and to future-proof yourself for tomorrow’s workplace is to keep learning. That is the best strategy to ensure that your marketplace skills are always up to date.


Arinya Talerngsri is Group Managing Director at APMGroup, Thailand’s leading Organisational and People Development Consultancy. For more information, e-mail arinya_t@apm.co.th or visit www.apm.co.th. For daily updates, visit https://www.facebook.com/apmgroupthai

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