Horsing around

Horsing around


Monks walking through the community to receive food from laymen early in the morning is a common sight in Thailand (and other Buddhist countries). But monks in a hilly village in Chiang Rai have to find practical means of transportation to receive their morning alms.

It's too far for the villagers to go to offer food at the temple every day.

Last year I was assigned by a foreign magazine to take photos of this sight, which was also part of the Unseen Thailand campaign.

Riding on horseback, the older monks keep calm as required by phra vinaya. But not all young novices realise that.

They enjoy the horse ride at the back of the row, and sometimes speed up. Some of them fall off and laugh among themselves.

Although phra vinaya is not strictly imposed on the young novices, allowing them to have a little fun sometimes, they are occasionally reproached by the seniors who tell them to behave themselves.

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