Speeding Lamborghini causes tollway pileup

Five people were injured in a crash involving a Lamborghini, a Toyota Vigo and a Toyota Altis on the Don Muang Tollway in Bangkok on Saturday. (Photo: Jor Sor 100 traffic radio)
Five people were injured in a crash involving a Lamborghini, a Toyota Vigo and a Toyota Altis on the Don Muang Tollway in Bangkok on Saturday. (Photo: Jor Sor 100 traffic radio)

A new Lamborghini driven by a Singaporean man caused a minor pileup on the Don Mueang Tollway on Saturday morning.

The accident took place in the southbound lane of the elevated tollway, near Don Mueang airport.

Emergency responders and police who arrived at the scene found light poles and a barrier strewn along the roadway and heavy traffic. A Toyota Vigo pickup truck with its front end heavily damaged was found overturned near a Toyota Altis.

Farther up the tollway was a yellow Lamborghini that had also sustained heavy damage.

Five people were injured, including a husband and wife in the pickup truck, and three people in the Altis. All of them were taken to hospital.

The driver of the Lamborghini, a 51-year-old Singaporean national who was not named, was unhurt.

Initial investigations found the supercar had been driving erratically and speeding before hitting the Altis, sending it into the light poles where it was then rear-ended by the pickup, which also slammed into the barrier before turning over.

The Lamborghini driver has been taken in for further questioning, and police are reviewing video from the scene to determine charges and damages.

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  • barrier: an object like a fence or wall that prevents people/vehicles, etc. from moving forward from one place to another - สิ่งขัดขวาง, กำแพง, อุปสรรค
  • charge : an official statement accusing someone of committing a crime - ข้อกล่าวหา
  • damages: money that a court awards to a person who sued another person for causing injury to them -
  • elevated: raised above the ground, or higher than the surrounding area - ซึ่งอยู่ในระดับที่สูงกว่าสิ่งอื่น
  • erratically: not following any plan or regular pattern; that you cannot rely on; unpredictable - ไม่แน่ไม่นอน, เอาแน่เอานอนไม่ได้
  • injured (adj): hurt in an accident, natural disaster, attack, etc. - ได้รับบาดเจ็บ
  • national: a citizen of a particular country - ประชาชน
  • overturn: to turn upside down or on the side - พลิกคว่ำ, คว่ำลง
  • pileup: when many cars and vehicles hit each other on the road in a big chain reaction, each hitting the back of the next car to come to a stop -
  • pole: a long thin stick, or piece of wood or concrete, often used for holding or supporting something - เสา, หลัก, คาน
  • rear-ended: hit from behind -
  • responder: something or someone that responds to your request and provides service to you when you have a problem, such as an ambulance or fire fighters -
  • strewn: covered with things, especially in a disordered way - อีฉุยอีแฉก, กระจัดกระจาย
  • sustain: to experience, injury, damage, loss, etc. - ประสบกับ (ความสูญเสีย การเจ็บป่วย)
  • tollway: a long wide road that you have to pay to drive on - โทลล์เวย์, ทางด่วน
  • unhurt (adj): not injured; not hurt - ไม่ได้รับการบาดเจ็บ
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