Man shot to death inside police station

Peerasin Kulchutisin, 27, is escorted to the Thon Buri Criminal Court on Saturday after a man was shot and killed inside the Lak Song police station in Bangkok. (Photos supplied)
Peerasin Kulchutisin, 27, is escorted to the Thon Buri Criminal Court on Saturday after a man was shot and killed inside the Lak Song police station in Bangkok. (Photos supplied)

A 27-year-old man is in custody after shooting another man to death inside a Bangkok police station during negotiations over an earlier traffic accident.

A lawyer representing the victim was also injured in the incident that took place on Friday at the Lak Song police station in Bang Kae district.

Lak Song police took Peerasin Kulchutisin to court on Saturday morning for permission to detain him on charges of premeditated murder, attempted murder and carrying a firearm in public without permission. The court denied bail.

Komsan Intharit, 32, was shot dead with a 9mm pistol and lawyer Anusorn Wichathorn, 33, was injured during a negotiation following a minor traffic collision between the two sides on Sept 27. The incident on Phetkasem Road had also led to a physical altercation.

Police said the suspect confessed to the crimes, claiming he was under significant stress as Komsan had assaulted him using brass knuckles following the traffic mishap.

According to an earlier report in Matichon, Peerasin was driving a pickup truck when Komsan, who was driving a Honda sedan with a male friend, threw a bottle into the pickup. Peerasin lowered his window to ask why they had done that and then held up his mobile phone to make a video. A second bottle struck the phone.

Mr Peerasin tried to flee but Komsan and his friend got out of their car and assaulted him with brass knuckles, punching him in the face several times. He suffered a broken nose and three broken teeth, Matichon reported.

The shooter reportedly said on Friday that he was driven to carry out the crime after Komsan rejected his request for 9 million baht in damages and offered only a seemingly insincere apology.

According to an eyewitness account from the scene, Mr Peerasin gave a wai to the investigating officer and said “I apologise” before pulling a gun and firing eight shots at Komsan.

Answering questions about how a civilian managed to carry a gun into the station, police said that both parties had arrived with their lawyers and families and showed no signs of violence, giving no cause for a strict search.

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  • altercation: a noisy argument or disagreement - การทุ่มเถียง, การทะเลาะวิวาท
  • assault: to attack someone violently - ทำร้ายร่างกาย
  • bail: money that is given to a court when someone is allowed to stay out of prison until their trial. If they do not return for the trial, the court keeps the money  - เงินประกัน; การประกันตัว
  • brass knuckle (knuckle duster): a piece of metal worn on the hand as a weapon -
  • civilian: someone who does not belong to the armed forces or the police - พลเรือน
  • collision: an accident in which a vehicle or person that is moving crashes into something - การชนประสานงา
  • damages: money that a court awards to a person who sued another person for causing injury to them -
  • detain: to keep someone in a police station or prison and not allow them to leave - กักตัว ควบคุมตัวหรือฝากขัง
  • firearm: a gun of some type - อาวุธปืน
  • insincere: pretending to feel something that you do not really feel, or not meaning what you say - ซึ่งไม่จริงใจ
  • negotiations: formal discussion in which people or groups try to reach an agreement - การเจรจาต่อรอง
  • permission: allowing someone to do something - การอนุญาต,การอนุมัติ,การยินยอม
  • pistol: a small gun that you hold in one hand - ปืนพก,ปืนสั้น
  • premeditated: planned in advance - คาดคิดมาก่อน
  • reject: to not accept something - ปฏิเสธ ไม่ยอมรับ
  • stress: mental pressure or worry - ความตึงเครียด
  • victim: someone who has been affected by a bad situation, such as a disaster, illness or an accident - เหยื่อผู้เคราะห์ร้าย
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