Three-year old dies, forgotten in school van

The death van is seen outside the school on Wednesday. Police and military teamed up to guard the vehicle and conduct forensic investigations. (Photo via
The death van is seen outside the school on Wednesday. Police and military teamed up to guard the vehicle and conduct forensic investigations. (Photo via

A three-year-old kindergartener died after she was left behind in a hot school van in Pattani, police said on Thursday after arresting the driver.

The girl was discovered on Wednesday afternoon after her mother went to pick her up at the end of the school day at Bamrung Muslim School in Muang district of Pattani and was told the child was absent. The mother and a teacher located the driver, who led them to the locked van where they found the body.

"The girl's body was pale. She had no wounds. There was a little blood stain around her nose," said Montri Kongwatmai, commander of the Sai Buri district police. "She must have thrashed around."

The heat inside the stuffy van and a lack of air caused her death, Montri said, citing the autopsy results.

The 23-year-old driver admitted to failing to check whether all the children had got out of the vehicle in the morning. He was charged with negligence resulting in death.

Between 2012 and 2016, there were 13 cases of children abandoned inside school buses or private cars, statistics show, part of a worldwide phenomenon referred to as "Forgotten Baby Syndrome." Six of the Thai cases were fatal. The previous such death occurred in June when a five-year-old was left in a school van in Khon Kaen province.

"The problem with child deaths in school vans... is that (it) keeps happening due to the negligence of the service provider," said Adisak Plitponkarnpim, director of the the National Institute of Child and Family Development.

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  • absent (adjective): when a student does not come to a class meeting -
  • autopsy: a medical examination of a dead person’s body to find out why they died - การชันสูตรศพ
  • cite: to mention something as an example - กล่าวถึง
  • fatal: causing someone to die - ถึงตาย
  • negligence: when you do not give enough care or attention to someone or something - ความประมาท, ความไม่เอาใจใส่
  • pale: describes someone's face or skin if it has less colour than usual, for example when they are ill or frightened, or if it has less colour than people generally have - ซีด
  • phenomenon (noun): a fact or an event in nature or society, especially one that is not fully understood - ปรากฏการณ์
  • stain (noun): an ugly mark left accidentally on clothes or the surface of something; blot, mark, spot - คราบ, รอยเปื้อน, รอยเลอะ
  • stuffy (adj): (of a building, room, etc.) warm in an unpleasant way and without enough fresh air - อบอ้าว, อากาศไม่ถ่ายเท
  • thrash: to move or make something move in a violent or uncontrolled way -
  • wound: an injury in which your skin or flesh is damaged - บาดแผล

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