Hotel apologises for Angkor Wat facade

A picture of a restaurant on the website of the Le Palais Hotel in Koh Phangan shows its 'Bayon Restaurant' which features a touch of Khmer and European culture in the design of the hotel. Le Palais Hotel
A picture of a restaurant on the website of the Le Palais Hotel in Koh Phangan shows its 'Bayon Restaurant' which features a touch of Khmer and European culture in the design of the hotel. Le Palais Hotel

A hotel in Koh Phangan has issued an apology after Cambodian netizens were outraged by its use of Cambodian cultural icons, including the famous Angkor Wat, as building decoration, which they deemed inappropriate.

"We are extremely sorry for the frustration this has caused you and would like to clarify the vision from our founder's heart and intention," Le Palais Hotel wrote on its Facebook page on Sunday.

"Le Palais Hotel Koh Phangan was inspired by the greatness of Angkor Wat located in Cambodia. Cambodia is the motherland of our founder and always have a special place in his heart.

"We launched the hotel humbly only for the admiration, appreciation and passion for the magnificent art. The construction, decoration here were handmade & heart-made by Thai and Cambodian teamwork. Nonetheless the greatness will always remain to the great Angkor Wat and will never be compared."

Khmer Times reported on Friday that Cambodian social media had criticisms of the Thai hotel, with netizens slamming the Koh Phangan hotel for using Khmer culture and landmarks for commercial purposes.

Angkor Wat -- recognised by Unesco as a World Heritage Site since 1992 -- is the most renowned out of all Cambodia's temples and is featured on its national flag.

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  • admiration: a feeling of respect and liking for somebody/something - การชื่นชม, การยกย่องชมเชย
  • criticism: comments that show that you think something is wrong or bad - การวิจารณ์
  • flag (noun): a piece of cloth with a special coloured design on it that may be the symbol of a particular country or organization, or may have a particular meaning. A flag can be attached to a pole or held in the hand - ธง
  • founder (noun): a person who establishes an institution, business, or organisation - ผู้ก่อตั้ง
  • frustration: an annoyed or discouraged feeling because you cannot do or have what you want - ความผิดหวัง, ความไม่พอใจ
  • icon: something that is well known and acts as a sign or symbol of something มีชื่อเสียงและเป็นสัญลักษณ์แทนบาง -
  • inappropriate: unsuitable - ซึ่งไม่เหมาะสม
  • motherland: the country in which you were born -
  • renowned (adj): famous and admired for a special quality, skill or achievement - ที่มีชื่อเสียง
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