Police deny using live ammunition against demonstrators

Debris is strewn over the area in front of Din Daeng police station on Tuesday morning after police and anti-government protesters clashed there on Monday night. (Photo supplied)
Debris is strewn over the area in front of Din Daeng police station on Tuesday morning after police and anti-government protesters clashed there on Monday night. (Photo supplied)

Police have denied firing live ammunition at protesters in front of Din Daeng police station on Monday night, saying only rubber bullets were used.

Rajavithi Hospital announced on Tuesday morning it had found a bullet lodged in the head of a seriously wounded young protester rushed there by ambulance on Monday night. He remained in a coma.

The Metropolitan Police Bureau said in a statement on Tuesday that the man was shot at Din Daeng intersection, heading in the direction of Prachasongkroh intersection, a few kilometres from the police station on Mit Maitri Road.

It was not known who shot him and the man was not carrying any ID.

The Din Daeng police chief on Tuesday denied his men used live ammunition against the protesters.

He was responding to a video clip posted on the social media with a voice-over alleging that about 8.45pm Din Daeng police opened fire at the protesters with live ammunition and some protesters were hit.

He said police at the station at the time fired only rubber bullets at the protesters.


  • allege: to say that something is true or that someone has done something wrong, even though this has not been proved - อ้าง, กล่าวหา
  • ammunition: bullets, bombs, etc that can be fired from a weapon - อาวุธยุทธภัณฑ์, ลูกกระสุน
  • bullet: a small, metal object that is shot from a gun - กระสุนปืน
  • coma: a deep unconscious state, usually lasting a long time and caused by serious illness or injury - สภาพไม่รู้สึกตัวของผู้ป่วย
  • denied (verb): said that something is not true or did not happen - ปฏิเสธ
  • live: (of bullets) real, not blanks or rubber bullets -
  • live ammunition: real bullets or explosives, not blanks or rubber bullets -
  • rubber (noun): a bouncy, elastic material used in car tires and waterproof gloves - กล้ายาง
  • wounded: injured, especially where your skin or flesh is damaged, usually seriously - บาดเจ็บ
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