Waste piling up in Pattaya

Workers collect red bags containing infectious waste in Pattaya. The quantity of infectious waste in Pattaya has increased along with the number of Covid-19 infections. (Photo: Chaiyot Pupattanapong)
Workers collect red bags containing infectious waste in Pattaya. The quantity of infectious waste in Pattaya has increased along with the number of Covid-19 infections. (Photo: Chaiyot Pupattanapong)

The growing number of Covid-19 patients in Pattaya is generating a huge amount of infectious waste, adding to the garbage disposal problems facing the seaside city.

Deputy mayor Manoj Nongyai said on Tuesday that before the Covid-19 pandemic, Pattaya had to handle about 800 kilogrammes of infectious waste each day.

That had now increased to 7-8 tonnes per day -- infectious waste from hospitals, hospitels and community isolation centres.

The company with the contract for garbage collection and disposal was not able to handle such an excessive quantity of infectious waste.

To solve the problem, the company had been asked to find and put more garbage trucks into service. The infectious waste must be destroyed within seven days.

As the number of new Covid-19 infections continued to rise and more hospitels were opened to take in patients, the amount of infectious waste was also likely to increase.

Mr Manoj said infectious waste should be put in red bags, so it could be easily sorted. The bags are provided by the city.


  • disposal (noun): getting rid of something, by selling it or throwing it away - การกำจัด
  • garbage: waste food, paper, etc. that you throw away - ขยะ
  • infectious: able to cause an infection - ติดต่อกันได้
  • isolation: set apart from; disconnected from - แยกออกมา ตั้งอยู่เดี่ยวๆ
  • mayor: the most important elected official in a town or city - นายกเทศมนตรี
  • pile up: to put objects one on top of another, in this case, to increase in amount - กอง
  • tonne: (or ton) 1,000 kilogrammes -
  • waste (noun): the useless part that is thrown away after something is used - ขยะ, ของเสีย, ที่ไม่มีประโยชน์, การสูญเสียไปโดยเปล่าประโยชน์, การหมดเปลือง
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