Governor backs 4am closing times

Night entertainment venues on Soi Nana in Bangkok. The governor says one of his missions is to free up night-time activities. (Photo: Arnun Chonmahatrakool)
Night entertainment venues on Soi Nana in Bangkok. The governor says one of his missions is to free up night-time activities. (Photo: Arnun Chonmahatrakool)

The governor of Bangkok supports entertainment venues staying open until 4am in order to promote night-time tourism.

Chadchart Sittipunt said tourism is at the heart of the city's economy as it creates jobs and pays taxes for the city.

He said one of his missions for Bangkok is to extend tourism activities until 4am. The weather cools down late at night and city traffic eases, he said.

A new policy on 4am closing times for bars and clubs would require government approval.

"We have to ensure this idea does not create a negative impact for some parties and that entertainment venues comply with the rules," said Mr Chadchart.

To create night-time zoning for entertainment activities in Bangkok, the city should base decisions on demand, he said.

A number of projects are intended to revive night-time tourism, such as lighting events along the Chao Phraya River and Klong Phadung Krung Kasem.

Overpriced food and tuk-tuk transport are other areas of concern for Mr Chadchart.

He said he is optimistic about the Covid-19 situation in Bangkok, citing low cases and high vaccination rates, particularly amongst the elderly.

One of Mr Chadchart's goals is making Bangkok one of the world's top 50 liveable cities during his four-year term, up from No.98 at present.

According to Bangkok Metropolitan Administration data, tourism contributed 883 billion baht to city revenue in 2019.

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  • approval: official permission - การอนุมัต
  • back: to support - สนับสนุน
  • citing: mentioning as a reason - ให้ อ้างอิงเหตุผล
  • contribute to: to help to cause an event or situation - ช่วยก่อให้เกิด
  • economy: the relationship between production, trade and the supply of money in a particular country or region - เศรษฐกิจ
  • heart: centre (of an activity) - ศูนย์กลาง
  • impact (noun): an effect or influence - ผลกระทบ
  • liveable (adj): fit to live in - น่าอยู่, เหมาะกับการอยู่อาศัย
  • mission: an important piece of work that a person or a group of people has been given to do - ภาระกิจ หน้าที่
  • optimistic: expecting good things to happen or to be successful - โดยคาดหวังสิ่งที่ดี
  • overpriced (adj.): too expensive; costing more than it is worth - แพงเกิน
  • revive: to come or bring something back to existence or use - ฟื้นฟู, ทำให้เกิดขึ้นอีก
  • taxes: money that you have to pay to the government so that it can pay for public services - ภาษี
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