Frenchman's body found at Koh Samui waterfall

Rescue workers with climbing gear arrive at Na Muang Waterfall 2 on Koh Samui to retrieve the body of a French tourist on Sunday. (Photo: Supapong Chaolan)
Rescue workers with climbing gear arrive at Na Muang Waterfall 2 on Koh Samui to retrieve the body of a French tourist on Sunday. (Photo: Supapong Chaolan)

Local officials and volunteers found the body of a young Frenchman on late Sunday morning after he had fallen at a waterfall on Koh Samui at about 3pm on Saturday.

The body of Ryan Meghar, 20, was found in the stream above Na Muang Waterfall 2 at about 10am on Sunday. It was wedged between rocks in the stream on the third tier of the waterfall. Local officials and rescue volunteers reached the spot after climbing about two kilometres from its base.

Meghan was wearing only black shorts. His skull and an elbow were broken.

A local official said the man visited the waterfall with four or five others, including his girlfriend. They entered the fourth tier of the waterfall, which was off-limits because of the strong flow caused by recent rains.

The man fell from the fourth tier which is about 10-15 metres higher than the third tier. The top of the six-tier waterfall is about 80 metres high.

The official warned tourists not to enter the off-limit areas and the top of the waterfall.

Another Frenchman and a Spanish tourist fell to their deaths at the same waterfall in July this year and November 2019.

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  • base: the bottom part, edge, or surface of something - พื้นฐาน, รากฐาน
  • elbow: the part in the middle of your arm where it bends - ข้อศอก
  • flow: continuous movement - การไหล
  • off-limits: (of a place or area of land) not allowed to enter - ที่ห้ามเข้า,ที่ไม่อนุญาตให้ผ่านเข้าไป
  • official (noun): a government worker; a person who has the power to make decisions or enforce the law เจ้าหน้าที่, เจ้าหน้าที่ผู้มีอำนาจ - เจ้าหน้าที่, เจ้าหน้าที่ผู้มีอำนาจ
  • skull : the bones of the head - กระโหลกศีรษะ
  • stream: a small narrow river - ลำธาร
  • tier (noun): a row, layer or level of something - ระดับชั้น
  • wedge (verb): to put or squeeze something tightly into a narrow space, so that it cannot move easily - บีบอัด
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