Chinese woman questioned over 'dangerous' Soi Nana video

Zi Yu Wang, 28, a Chinese woman in a black shirt, was invited by immigration police for questioning over a video clip she posted online about the danger of walking alone in Soi Nana. (Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)
Zi Yu Wang, 28, a Chinese woman in a black shirt, was invited by immigration police for questioning over a video clip she posted online about the danger of walking alone in Soi Nana. (Photo supplied/Wassayos Ngamkham)

A Chinese woman who posted a video clip on TikTok while walking in Soi Nana off Sukhumvit road, expressing concerns about the safety of the area, has been questioned by immigration police.

The video, posted on Dec 5 around 11.30pm, was perceived by many as detrimental to Thailand's tourism image, portraying the country as highly unsafe.

The Immigration Bureau ordered an investigation which identified the woman in the video as Zi Yu Wang, a 28-year-old Chinese national who entered the country on a Thai Privilege Card visa.

During questioning, Ms Wang admitted to creating and sharing the video on social media but denied having an intention to damage Thailand's reputation. The woman said she only wanted to warn foreigners about areas where walking alone at night might be unsafe for women.

According to the investigation, the woman had engaged in live streaming to sell goods online during her time in Thailand, a violation of foreign employment rules.

Immigration police charged her with working illegally in the country without a permit.

An immigration official said this case serves as a reminder to foreigners not to produce content that could harm Thailand's image.

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  • detrimental (adjective): harmful - ซึ่งก่อให้เกิดอันตรายหรือความเสียหาย
  • image: an opinion that people have about someone or something - ภาพลักษณ์
  • immigration: dealing with people entering and leaving the country - การตรวจคนเข้าเมือง
  • intention: a plan in your mind to do something - ความตั้งใจ เจตนา แผนการ
  • investigation: the process of trying to find out all the details or facts about something - การสอบสวน
  • perceived: thought of or understood in a particular way - ได้รับการมองว่า
  • permit: an official document that gives you permission to do something - ใบอนุญาต
  • reputation: the opinion that people have about how good or bad someone or something is - ความนับหน้าถือตา
  • violation: an action that is goes against a law, agreement, principle, etc. - การกระทำผิดกฎหมาย
  • warn: to make someone conscious of a possible problem or danger - เตือน
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