OnlyFans model arrested for promoting gambling

Police arrest a 23-year-old OnlyFans model for allegedly enticing others to partake in gambling activities. (Photo: IDMP, Metropolitan Police Bureau)
Police arrest a 23-year-old OnlyFans model for allegedly enticing others to partake in gambling activities. (Photo: IDMP, Metropolitan Police Bureau)

A 23-year-old internet model has been arrested in Bangkok for allegedly persuading people to gamble online, police said on Thursday.

Officers arrested Lalada at a condominium in Lat Phrao district on Wednesday. Her surname was not given.

The woman, also known as "Noon OnlyFans", was charged with organising gambling activities and luring people into gambling through advertising and persuasion.

The arrest followed a police investigation that Ms Lalada had posted photos of herself with links to gambling websites on her Facebook page. She also posted messages to lure people to apply for membership to the online gambling website "omega9".

During questioning, Ms Lalada admitted to owning the accounts and added that she began luring people into online gambling in 2018.

She said two gambling websites had hired her to advertise for them, paying her 20,000 baht for posting photos with gambling advertisements 30 times per website.

The woman was held in police custody for legal action.


  • custody: the state of being in prison or under police control, especially while waiting for trial - การกักขัง, การคุมขัง
  • gambling: the activity of betting money, for example in a game or on a horse race - การพนัน
  • legal action: the process of going to court to have something decided officially by law -
  • lure (verb): to persuade someone to do something by making it seem very attractive - หลอกล่อ
  • persuade: to make someone agree to do something by giving them reasons why they should - โน้มน้าวใจ เกลี้ยกล่อม
  • promote: to encourage or support something - สนับสนุน
  • questioning: when the police asks a person questions in the investigation of a crime -
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