Girl on film

Photos by Varuth Hirunyatheb and courtesy of GMM25
Photos by Varuth Hirunyatheb and courtesy of GMM25

Tangmo reviews movies

With so many movies coming out all the time, it can be hard to choose which ones to go and see. So we could do with a little help from the experts. Every Saturday on GMM25, the film review show Kor Nang Khang Thanon (Movie Buffs) checks out the latest releases and helps viewers to figure out which new films are for them.

One of the strengths of Movie Buffs is that the hosts come from different showbiz backgrounds. This means that they’re able to provide different ideas about each film. One of the hosts, Nida Patcharaveerapong (Tangmo), draws on her experience as an actress to give her unique views on each new release.

S Weekly met up with Tangmo at Paragon Cineplex where she told us about the show, her love of cinema and her new TV drama.

How did you feel about being asked to host Movie Buffs?

Tangmo: I was surprised to be asked because I’m not a professional film critic. But there are many hosts on the show. Gun Karun is a professional critic but the other hosts represent different kinds of moviegoers. Rusameekae Fagerlund is a fan of animation. I prefer films based on true stories. Unlike Gun, we don’t have to give in-depth information about the film. We just give our opinions and preferences.

Can you tell us more about the kind of films you like?

Tangmo: I enjoy biopics, historical dramas and murder mysteries. I’m not interested in animation because it's usually not based in reality. But I do like horror films because they make me excited.

Do you ever cry during movies?

Tangmo: Yes, I get emotional very easily. When I was young, I saw Titanic in the cinema three times and cried every time.

Have you ever had a bad experience at the cinema?

Tangmo: There have been a few times when the people sitting in front of me have talked loudly through the film. That’s very annoying.

Are there any recent films that you’ve found inspiring?

Tangmo: Yes, Hacksaw Ridge. It’s the story of Desmond Doss, who was an army medic during World War II. He refused to use weapons and to kill people. Doss was a Christian who was trying to follow Jesus’s message. As a Christian myself, I find that very inspiring. And Andrew Garfield’s performance as Doss was very convincing.

What do you consider when choosing which film to go and see?

Tangmo: There are a lot of factors. I watch the trailers and check out the media hype. And feedback from the general public has more influence on me than the critics.

Do you watch indie movies?

Tangmo: Absolutely. I like indie movies because they usually let the audience figure out things for themselves. And I like to listen to other people’s ideas about the meaning of a film.

What have you learned from watching so many films?

Tangmo: I’ve seen how the movie industry has developed. I’ve gained a lot of general knowledge and learned many acting techniques. I’ve also picked up a lot of English from watching movies.

How does Movie Buffs differ from other film review shows?

Tangmo: We don’t use jargon when talking about films. We try to be clear and direct. Our aim is to help viewers choose a movie to see.

Can you tell us about your role in the new drama Sairak Saisawat (Love and Lust)?

Tangmo: Love and Lust is a period drama and my character Fongkae is a person from a low social class. It was a very difficult role to play. She’s not tough, like the characters I normally play. She has to accept the abuse she suffers. I play Fongkae as she grows into old age. It was hard to play an elderly woman. I had to learn to move like an old person.

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  • abuse: angry offensive comments - การด่าว่า, ด่าทอ, สาปแช่ง
  • annoying: making you feel slightly angry or impatient - น่ารำคาญ
  • background: the type of career, training, or education that someone has had - ประวัติ
  • biopic: a movie about the life of a person - ภาพยนตร์เกี่ยวกับชีวประวัติคน
  • convincing (adj): in a way in which someone is able to make you believe that something is true or right - อย่างโน้มน้าว, แน่ชัด,
  • critic: someone who gives their opinion about something - นักวิจารณ์
  • emotional: related to strong feeling such as anger or love, or strong feelings in general - มีอารมณ์
  • hype: advertisements and discussion on television, radio, etc. telling the public about a product and about how good or important it is - การเผยแพร่(เกินจริง) การโฆษณา(เกินจริง)
  • jargon (noun): words or expressions that are used by a particular group of people or profession and are difficult for others to understand - ภาษาเฉพาะกลุ่ม, ภาษาเฉพาะวงการ, ภาษาเฉพาะอาชีพ
  • medic (noun): a doctor or medical student; a person in an emergency situation who gives people medical treatment - แพทย์,นักศึกษาแพทย์,เจ้าหน้าที่แพทย์
  • social (adjective): related to society, to people and the way they are connected to each other and interact with each other - เกี่ยวกับสังคม
  • unique: being the only one of its kind - ซึ่งเป็นหนึ่งเดียว
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