Jade travels back in time

Photo by Varuth Hirunyatheb
Photo by Varuth Hirunyatheb

New movie Norah dances into cinemas this week

If we don’t care about tradition, it will gradually disappear. So it’s important that we celebrate the different aspects of Thai culture and find new ways to appreciate it. Thankfully, there are plenty of people out there who are finding creative ways to celebrate Thai traditions.

Two years ago, filmmaker and folk singer Ekkachai Srivichai made Serd, a movie about the traditional southern dance known as norah. In his new film Norah, a young girl called Norah, played by Thai-French actress Angelina Fromento (Jade), travels back in time and meets a dance master called Koon.

With the film out this week, S Weekly met up with the 14-year-old Jade to find out more.

Why did you decide to get into acting?

Ekkachai knows my mom. He told her when I was very young that when I grew up, he’d put me in one of his films. I can’t believe it really happened. 

How did you prepare to play your character?

Norah is a lot like me. She’s a calm and happy person, so I didn’t have to prepare too much. I just had to learn more about Thai culture and to develop my Thai language skills.

Have you done any acting before?

Never. I had to take acting classes. At first, I didn't think I’d need them, but when I was in the class, I realised how difficult acting is. It looks easy, but it’s not easy at all. There’s more to it than just laughing or crying. You have to believe that you’re really that character in those situations.

What was it like to work with Ekkachai?

He helped me a lot. When we were on set, he told me how to act and how to deliver the lines. He’s always nice to me and I see him as part of my family. He joked a lot which made me feel more comfortable.

Were any scenes particularly difficult for you?

The love scenes were difficult. I didn’t really want to do them. I might look and act older than I am, but I’m still only 14. My co-star [Phaisan Khunnu] is 25. So at first, I felt awkward. But then we got to know each other better and I wasn’t so bothered by it. It became normal.

You filmed in several different locations. Which was your favourite?

We filmed on an island in Satun province called Koh Khai. I loved it. The sunrise was stunning and full of colour and the surrounding landscape was also beautiful. I was mesmerised by the nature and clear water. 

Has your attitude towards Thai traditional culture changed after filming?

Yes, it has changed very much. Before I took part in the film, I felt very French. I didn’t understand the importance of Thai culture. Now, I know a lot more about it and I care more about the things I do, the way I act and even the clothes I wear. I have to remember that I’m in Thailand not in France. Things are different here.


  • appreciate: to be grateful for something, i.e., feeling you want to thank someone for something they have done for you - สำนึกในบุญคุณ
  • attitude: someone’s opinions or feelings about something, especially as shown by their behaviour - ทัศนคติ, ลักษณะท่าทาง
  • awkward: not moving in an easy way; not comfortable - งุ่มง่าม
  • bothered: worried, angry or sad about something   - วิตกกังวล หงุดหงิด
  • calm (adj.): peaceful and quiet; without anxiety - สงบ
  • celebrate: to do something enjoyable in order to show that an occasion or event is special - ฉลอง
  • delivery: the way in which somebody speaks, sings a song, etc. in public - การกล่าวสุนทรพจน์หรือร้องเพลง
  • mesmerise: to attract or interest you so much that you do not notice or pay attention to anything else around you - สะกดจิต,ทำให้หลงเสน่ห์, ทำให้ตกตะลึง
  • stunning: extremely beautiful or attractive - น่าทึ่ง
  • tradition: a very old custom, belief, or story - ประเพณี, ขนบธรรมเนียม

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