Find polar bears with Google Street View

Now you can look for polar bears along the shores of Canada's Hudson Bay using Google Street View. If you find one, please let us know through our FB page.

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A mother Polar Bear sleeps on the frozen tundra with her cubs waiting for the Hudson Bay to freeze over on November 13, 2007 outside Churchill, Mantioba, Canada. Try to find them using the Google Maps to first find the route the map team used and then use the human icon to get into Street View. Photo from Google.

Find polar bears with Google Street View

You probably know you can use Google Street View to find your way around Bangkok neighbourhoods, but starting yesterday, you can now also hunt for polar bears in the Hudson Bay area of Canada's Manitoba province.

According to AFP, late last year members of the Google Maps team joined with non-profit group Polar Bears International to venture into tundra in a remote part of Canada's Churchill, Manitoba, late last year for images of the majestic animals waiting for sea ice to freeze, so they can move to areas looking for food and to mate.

Members of Polar Bears International and the Google Maps team in their "tudnra buggy" vehicle (see inset). Photo from Google.

Panoramic camera gear – typically used to capture pictures of streets for Google online maps – were mounted on a "tundra buggy" by outfitters at Frontiers North to travel the tough landscape and stay safe from hungry carnivores.

As a result, you can now follow their route and look for polar bears with your own computer device using Google Street View.

It isn't easy, however. As the northern areas warm, polar bears are getting more and more difficult to find and it will likely take you a while to find one while you explore the area. (I still haven't succeeded.)

Here's the problem. When you get to the polar bear area in Google Street View, ( here is what you see:

Since it is a panorama, you can use your mouse turn look in any direction. You can also click in the picture to move. But where are the polar bears?

To make things easier, click on the area on the top left and you will get this map. Click on the little human icon on the bottom right (in the circle) and the route the Google Street View team took will appear. Now you can move the icon to any point on the route and you will get back to Street View.

Keep looking and if you find a polar bear, tell us where you found it on our Facebook page:  Look for the polar bear story and make a comment.

If you want an easier journey, try this video from Google.

If you are really lazy, just go to Google, and search for images with "Google Street View polar bears".

Story includes information from AFP.


  • appear: to be seen - ปรากฏ
  • carnivore: an animal that eats only meat - สัตว์กินเนื้อ
  • explore: to examine something completely or carefully in order to find out more about it - สำรวจ,ตรวจ
  • gear: the special clothes or equipment that you use for a particular activity - อุปกรณ์ ในการทำกิจกรรมต่างๆ
  • icon: a small symbol on a computer screen that usually represents a program or a file - รูปสัญลักษณ์บนจอคอมพิวเตอร์
  • landscape: an area of land that is beautiful to look at or that has a particular type of appearance - ภูมิประเทศ, ภูมิทัศน์
  • majestic: impressive because of size or beauty - สง่าผ่าเผย, สูงส่ง
  • mate: to have sex in order to produce young - ผสมพันธุ์
  • mount: to fix something into position on something, so that you can use it, look at it or study it - ตั้ง, จัดตั้ง
  • neighbourhood (noun): a particular area of a city or town or other area - ละแวก, ย่าน
  • outfitter (noun): a shop/store that sells equipment for camping and other outdoor activities - ร้านขายอุปกรณ์พักแรมหรือล่าสัตว์
  • panorama: a view of a wide area of land - ทัศนียภาพทั้งหมด
  • panoramic (adj.): of a view in from which you can see a wide area of land - ทัศนียภาพทั้งหมด
  • profit: money that you make from selling goods and services after all your costs have been paid - กำไร
  • remote: far away from other cities, towns, or people - ที่ห่างไกล 
  • route: the roads used to go from one place to another - เส้นทาง
  • tundra (noun): the large flat Arctic regions of northern Europe, Asia and N America where no trees grow and where the soil below the surface of the ground is always frozen - ที่ราบที่ไม่มีต้นไม้ในขั้วโลกเหนือ
  • venture: to go somewhere, especially somewhere that is unpleasant, dangerous or exciting - เสี่ยงภัย ผจญภัย

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