Prevent a cat-astrophe

Prevent a cat-astrophe

Keep your feline friend purring with this comprehensive guide


Looking for furry friends? Cats can be good companions either in a cosy apartment or for a busy family. Cats don’t want a daily walk and most tolerate being left alone for long periods of time. But these self-sufficient animals need more than a bowl of food and a comfortable lap on demand.

Complete Cat Care Dorling Kindersley Limited 96pp 395 baht ISBN: 978-1-4093-4638-8 Available at Asia Books

Before making a decision to buy or adopt a cat, consult Complete Cat Care. This book offers a comprehensive guide packed with expert advice — from choosing a breed and understanding cat behaviours to exercise and play.

The opening chapter will help you decide whether you are ready to take on the responsibility of cat ownership, and offers guidance on important equipment and how to make your home inviting.

Most people fall in love with a particular breed of cat because of its looks, but choosing a breed is more than that. It’s important to choose a breed that fits your lifestyle. You cannot have a happy cat if your lifestyle is not compatible with the breed’s temperament. This book provides distinct characteristics and personalities of several popular breeds. For example, a sweet-tempered and home-loving Persian likes to take life quietly and needs daily grooming to prevent its long coat from tangling or matting. While a hairless sphynx’s skin needs extra care, should be kept indoors and protected from extreme temperatures.

A section called “Every Care” gives advice on routine cat nurturing, including grooming, bathing and feeding at all stages of life, from kitten to senior.

By reading this book, you will also learn how to deal with behavioural problems and how to have fun with your cat. 

What makes this book stand out is the detailed information on feline health, as well as tricks to recognise signs of illnesses. Cats don’t complain when they are sick; it’s up to owners to monitor their symptoms. Two chapters on health-related issues explain common cat disorders and how to recognise the signs of ill-health so owners can identify problems early and know what to do in case of a sick cat or emergency.

If you are blessed with these beautiful, playful creatures and decide to opt for cat breeding, this book won’t disappoint, as it also features ways to give the mother and her kittens the best possible care.

With expert tips, step-by-step techniques and handy checklists, Complete Cat Care is a must-have reference book for cat owners and breeders alike.

Do not lift your cat out of his carrier the moment you get him home, however excited you are. Just talk to him quietly and let him emerge in his own time.

A female in season may call to nearby males, roll around on her back, and crouch with her rump in the air.

Make sure your cat’s diet contains the correct balance of nutrients. Keep a check on his weight and adjust portion sizes if necessary.

Kittens are usually more adaptable than older cats.

Cats kept in large groups or close contact can pick up infections from mutual grooming.

A mother’s first milk, a nutritious fluid called colostrum, contains antibodies to provide the kittens with protection against diseases.

Cats may also need to be bathed occasionally to keep their coat in peak condition, especially if they are longhair.

Cats can be playful well into old age. There is plenty of scope for fun outdoors, but if you keep your cat indoors you need to provide them with entertainment.

Being overweight and having an inactive lifestyle are two of the main factors that increase the risk of a cat developing diabetes.

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