(New) Signs of the time

(New) Signs of the time

We imagine warning signs for everyday situations


The recent print ad by local agency BBDO for the Thai Health Promotion Foundation warns those who think wearing a crash helmet while riding a motorcycle is optional by scaring them with frightening images. The ads show crash helmets made of a scalped human head to drive home the point that in the case of an asphalt road versus a human head, the former generally wins. We just hope that reckless motorcyclists and their passengers will choose to wear crash helmets every time so their scalps (and other bloody bits) won't end up on the road when accidents happen.

While we will let the authorities deal with serious issues, we want to warn you about other less obvious dangers because we truly care. Sure, life in Bangkok has its own unique benefits - around-the-clock cheap food, dogs and cats to play with at every corner and shelter from the heat and the rain at every 7-Eleven - but it also comes with its own pitfalls you may not be aware of. But fear not, because we've invented warning signs for various situations to cope with the overlooked hazards involved in everyday Bangkok life. Feel free to post them up at their corresponding settings so we never have to worry again.

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