Lesser known celebrations

Lesser known celebrations

More excuses to take a day off

Lesser known celebrations

Did you know that there's a nationwide celebration coming up soon? Thai National Flag Day is to be celebrated this coming September 28. If you weren't aware of that, we don't blame you. This is the first time Thailand is going to be celebrating it to commemorate 100 years since King Rama VI declared the design we know today as the country's official flag. Sure, it might not be a legit holiday, but hey, it's all about being patriotic.

With the first National Flag Day coming up, we here at Guru decided to investigate whether there are other obscure celebrations we've been missing out on. And indeed, there are a handful of them.

National Aviation Day

Jan 13

There's not much said about this day except that it's to commemorate King Rama VI's contributions to Thai aviation. We think this obscure day should be brought up, what with the 13 airlines currently suspended from making international flights. Ironic that we have this day to celebrate Thai aviation when just two years ago, Thailand's Civil Aviation Department was given a red flag by the International Civil Aviation Organization for failing safety tests.

How should we celebrate this day?

Well, pass the freaking safety tests for starters. Also, any chance we could get ridiculously discounted domestic airfares?

Cavalry and Armour Day

Jan 4

Seriously, why isn't this day celebrated more widely? The official reason for this day is to commemorate the Cavalry Branch's contributions to the Royal Thai Army.

How should we celebrate this day?

We're not asking for it to be a public holiday, but hey, could we at least have horse-drawn carriages around Bangkok or something? Maybe free horseback rides? GrabHorse for the day? It's going to make traffic worse, but traffic's already bad anyway. We just want to ride a horse, dang it!

National Forest Conservation Day

Jan 14

It's awesome we have days like these to remind us of the importance of taking care of trees. It's sad that here in Bangkok we inhale pollution and see more condos than we do trees. Oh, and also, you probably weren't aware of this day until today. We didn't know about it until we researched it, that's for sure.

How should we celebrate this day?

Since this day is all about trees, we should go buy those colourful fabrics and wrap them around as many trees in Bangkok as we can, thus marking them as sacred. Sacred trees never get torn down which means a whole lot more fresh air for our lungs!

National Radio Day

Feb 25

The good old days when your only source of music was the radio. And cue all the millennials who are going to ask, "What's a radio?". This is why it's understandable that this day is so obscure. Aside from the times you sometimes listen to it while driving or in the taxi because the driver has it on, who intentionally goes "I'll listen to the radio" nowadays?

How should we celebrate this day?

Change it up to "National Streaming Day" so we're celebrating streaming services. Throw in a raffle for a free thirty-day subscription and suddenly you've got the young ones celebrating as well.

Journalist's Day

Mar 5

Whoa, wait? We actually have a day? Does this day include being able to ask the government questions without being told to be nice? Does this let us get one day free from the fear of being thrown into attitude adjustment? But more importantly, does this mean we get to publish pictures of "adult beverages" for at least one day? No? Then why the heck does this day even exist!?

How should we celebrate this day?

Uhhh, maybe have the government stop lecturing us and let us do our jobs for a change? Even for just one day?

National Elephant Day

Mar 13

Before you get scared of what cheeky remarks we're going to make about this day, we want to be clear: we love elephants. They're magnificent creatures and it's just fitting they are the symbolic animal of Thailand. What's ironic though is the fact that these animals are being abused and mistreated everyday, what with the elephant rides and shows that are staple tourist attractions here in Thailand. Behind all the fun and games are elephants being chained, hurt and forced to do things for the sake of entertainment.

How should we celebrate this day?

Want to commemorate this day without supporting the abuse of elephants? There are a handful of elephant sanctuaries you can visit where you can observe these wonderful creatures ethically and up close. A quick Google search will point you in the right direction.

Consumer Protection Day

Apr 30

This day is centred around educating the public on their consumer protection rights and making us aware of just how important they are. Obviously, it hasn't worked because we weren't even slightly aware this day existed until now nor are we aware of our consumer protection rights.

How should we celebrate this day?

Go shopping, obviously.

National Science Day

Aug 18

It's pretty cool how this day was named National Science Day. Back in 1868, King Rama IV correctly predicted a solar eclipse on this day and was able to observe and study it so the day was forever remembered as National Science Day. Now finish reading this so you can check out your horoscope reading on the last page -- that is, if you already haven't.

How should we celebrate this day?

Invent one of these two things: a) a tracker device to be put on rogue politicians or b) an app that has an alarm that goes off when a university professor is about to do something brash, like putting a student in a headlock, for example.

Thai Environment Day

Dec 4

It's great we have a day to celebrate the environment, but exactly how are we celebrating it? Is it "celebrating" in the sense that we remind ourselves to take care of the environment and lessen pollution and all that; or is it "celebrating" like how we remember a dear friend that's passed away?

How should we celebrate this day?

Go car-free for the day and walk or ride a bike. Pffft, we're joking, we know none of you are going to do that, not with the Bangkok heat. Refuse a plastic bag when you shop at 7-Eleven for starters.

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