Even the French turning queasy over force-fed foie gras

Even the French turning queasy over force-fed foie gras

PARIS - Almost one out of every two French people now favour banning the force-feeding of geese and ducks to produce the national delicacy, foie gras, a survey showed.

An employee force-feeds a duck on November 18, 2014 at a foie gras producer in the eastern French town of Soultz les Bains

A public opinion poll released Saturday by OpinionWay for animal rights group L214 showed 47 percent against force-feeding, three points more than last year, and 56 percent of women opposed to the practice.

Only 29 percent of the 1,032 people polled this month said they would refuse to buy foie gras in protest against the ill-treatment of animals, but this was 10 points higher than a poll in 2009.

In all, consumption of foie gras dropped three percent last year.

Its production is banned in Denmark, Finland and Germany.

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