Prepare for subs

Re: "Prawit stands by submarine push", (BP, July 2).

The fact the Gulf of Thailand is too shallow for effective submarine operations should not stand in the way of the proposed submarine purchase by the navy.

The entire Gulf should be dredged to a depth of 100 metres to allow submarines to operate effectively.

The dredged silt should be piled up in Bangkok and surrounding provinces to stop the city from being inundated in the next 50 years.

The governor of BKK would agree, as instead of Bangkokians moving to the mountain, as suggested, the mountain would move to Bangkok.

The Chinese should manage the project, thus protecting their backyard.

The navy finally gets its subs. An all-round perfect solution.

Suu Kyi slammed

Re: "US to demote Myanmar in trafficking report", (BP, June 29).

I was delighted to read America has downgraded Myanmar in its human trafficking report. It was disgusting that when Aung San Suu Kyi was in Thailand, she made disparaging remarks about the Rohingyas -- who the UN has called the most persecuted people in the world -- and would not even meet these people.

It is time this hypocrite be exposed for what she really is -- a fake who is devoid of anything that resembles human kindness.

Eric Bahrt
Better zoo care

Re: "Parks chief vows to up seized tiger care", (BP, July 2).

Traditionally, zoos are recognised worldwide as edu-tainment sites.

There are many zoos in Thailand, other than the Tiger Temple, which operate under certain standards and cannot be blamed for animal cruelty. What you should do is establish standards, then licensing, inspection, and so on for the well-being of animals in zoos. I believe one reason for the crackdown at the Tiger Temple was their failure to control births and the number of tigers got out of hand.

RH Suga, Lamphun
Pattaya's perils

In an attempt to improve Pattaya's image, the brilliant minds at City Hall and the police have committed a sizable portion of Pattaya's finest to combat Enemy No 1: Beach Road girls and their supposed clients.

Of course these people are scum, so by driving them away the city hopes to attract a "better" type of tourist to replace those who now patronise the beach.

The girls are targeted indiscriminately: I witnessed innocent girls on holiday being picked up by boorish policemen for the crime of walking along Beach Road. Now, trying to prove you are not a sex worker is probably the same as proving you have no sister.

It is a misguided approach at best, stupid at worst. The police should deal with potential disturbances to public order, such as the ones posed by certain transvestites who rob and cheat tourists. Targeting women who bother nobody simply misses the target.

Hanging out on the promenade cannot constitute a crime in any country. Soliciting for prostitution should be punished, as should pimping and harassing beach-goers. But as long as a person does none of those things, he or she should be left alone.

Regarding the better type of tourist: this will only be achieved when Pattaya has some real attractions to offer other than its current infamous nightlife.

Pattaya developed into the world-famous resort it is now thanks to its informal entertainment, to use a suitable euphemism. It is the raison d'etre of this place.

When these informal businesses are gone, the mayor will not have much of a city to govern.

Andy Leitner

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