Terrorists, no doubt

Re: “Russian raids on prison kill dozens”, (BP, Jan 11)

The article appeared uncertain over acknowledging al-Nusra Front as a terrorist organisation (mentioned as one of the other “terrorist” groups” with quotation marks as if it was an NGO-like group with a vague status).

As recent Bangkok Post contributors rose doubts about the status of al-Nusra Front, I would like to clarify that on May 31, 2013, the UN Security Council blacklisted al-Nusra Front as an alias of al-Qaeda with none of the 15 council members objecting to the resolution.

Meanwhile, all members of the counter-terrorist coalition unambiguously designated Jabhat al-Nusra as a terrorist organisation, and all the UN member states are obliged to ban its activity both domestically and abroad.

Therefore, there should be no hesitations in referring to al-Nusra Front as a terrorist grouping to be decisively confronted.

Hence, the strike carried out by Russian forces against the al-Nusra-run infrastructure on Jan 9 mentioned in an article “Russian raids on prison kill dozens”, was absolutely justified.

In this regard, it would be appropriate to share some statistics on the Russian Air Force operation in Syria, which speaks for itself.

Since Sept 30, 2015 the Russian air force has executed more than 4,000 flights and destroyed over 8,000 targets in Syria with the first two weeks of year 2016 seeing 311 flights with 1097 targets eliminated.

The Russian air force provided support for the Syrian army and opposition forces fighting against ISIS which allowed them to liberate over 153 settlements in Syria formerly occupied by the terrorists.

Kirill BarskyAmbassador of Russia

Just keep them out

In “99-year land leasing in the pipeline”, (BP, Jan 12) we read:

“The Interior Ministry was concerned about land price manipulation and worried it would give foreigners another incentive to live in Thailand”.

A clearer expression of institutionalised xenophobia is rarely released by the government. Contrast this with other recent news such as “Indonesia has allowed foreigners to own houses for up to 80 years in an effort to show a friendlier face to people who might come and bring investment with them” (Reuters, Jan 12)

Perhaps instead of “Amazing Thailand” the new slogan from Thailand’s museum of tourism and sports should read “we pretend to be friendly because we want your money”.

Michael SetterBang Saray

Leave snakes alone

I don’t feel much sympathy for the tourist who was bitten on the nose by a snake at a snake show in Bangkok. Elsewhere, people have been killed by elephants at elephant shows, camps and circuses.

How many times  do I have to point out that wild animals belong in the wild, or in the case of many elephants at a rehabilitation centre such as the Elephant Nature Park in Chiang Mai?

People who go to places which exploit wild animals and then get hurt have no one to blame but themselves.

Why don’t people just leave these poor animals alone?

Eric Bahrt

Govt rubber bounce

Re: “Govt caves into rubber growers”, (BP, Jan 13).

We have just witnessed the kinds of policy backflips and contortions that only a “rubber man” could achieve.

David BrownRayong

Hold the booze

As a farang driver from the UK, I am constantly on my guard against rude and inconsiderate Thai drivers hellbent on "me first" driving, and was disappointed with the holiday drink/driving statistics.

But I must respond with a promising note. On Saturday my wife, son and I went to an upmarket open air restaurant on Phetkasem Road for dinner, seating for 500 people, and a large car park. I looked around the other tables and not one had anything other than water or soft drinks. No alcohol, not one.

Credit where credit is due; not all Thai drivers are oblivious to the safety of themselves or others.


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