PC madness

The basic difference between what Mr Trump says and what Mr Obama said is that Mr Obama delivered lies with more finesse, and a sugar coating.

Under the Communists in the former USSR people were taught, or forced, to be politically correct to avoid speaking against the regime. The same political correctness (PC) was adopted across the western world to avoid offending people racially, medically, physically, sexually and in gender. Calling a spade a spade, stating blatant facts, became outlawed.

During recent decades freedom of expression has become suppressed to the point where perfectly normal actions and the use of colloquial language can contravene the law. Criticism of or even comment on a person's country of origin or their skin colour is deemed racist and can result in arrest. This also applies to religion with the same result.

However, being charged with racism only applies to people of western culture. People of Asian or African origin are allowed full freedom of expression. So indoctrinated with political correctness have Europeans become, that not only do they accept this inequality, but suffer guilt when those of alien cultures abuse them.

Since the open-border invasion of Europe from the Middle East and Africa, rape of European women has become almost accepted with the victims suffering self-guilt while refusing to criticise their attackers. PC has psychologically destroyed rational thinking among many people. Even police forces avoid taking action for fear of being adjudged racist.

Europe is suffering mass invasion and is increasingly becoming dominated by alien cultures as a result of endemic PC. The invaders, their ideology having been granted total immunity to the constraints of political correctness, are conquering the continent of Europe with hardly a whimper in opposition. Such a feat Napoleon and Hitler, with all their military might, failed to achieve.

J C Wilcox
Khan sends a signal

Sadiq Khan's mayoral victory in London is a welcome antidote to fear-mongering tying him to Islamist extremism and terrorism among Muslim communities in London, Paris and other global cities. Mr Khan represents the anti-Trump, vouching for openness against isolationism, integration against confrontation and the mitigation of racism and religious zeal.

Despite recent attacks in Paris and Brussels, the 21st century is going to be shaped by diverse leaders such as Barack Obama (half-Kenyan, educated at Harvard and in Indonesia) and Mr Khan (Muslim, Pakistani, English, European, human rights lawyer) and not by the bullying, America-first, alpha male epitomised by Donald Trump. Mr Trump's ban on Muslim non-citizens entering the United States would include not just the newly elected mayor of London but laughably most heads of states of America's allies in the Middle East.

Mr Khan is epochal because we sorely need to hear protests against Islamist terrorism from Muslim leaders. His rise is a rebuke to 9/11, London 7/7, the jihadi expression of ISIS and to the hatemongers who capitalise on the Muslim-equals-danger theme. Sadiq Khan's victory is reassuring because he represents the positive forces of global identity and integration.

Joseph Ting
Lying politicians

Thank you MJGJ for calling reader's attention to your attendance at a Trump rally in New York and found it full if lies, innuendos and more ("You reap what you sow", PostBag, May 15).

I attended an Obama rally in New York way back when. The basic difference between what Mr Trump says now, and what Mr Obama said when he ran for office, is that Mr Obama delivered the same lies, innuendo and promises with more finesse, with a sugar coating. It made it easier for the electorate to swallow.

Mr Obama has left the nation divided, most people disillusioned, has no set foreign policy, seems to cater to the Iranian mullahs who are just gobbling him up and playing him for his vacillating indecision.

Most politicians are by nature devious people, saying one thing, doing another. I've met a few honest ones, but they didn't last long. Whatever Mr Trump may be or say, he seems to draw them in.

Rodrigo Dutarte is in a way similar to Mr Trump. Let's see what direction he takes. The thought of four years with Grandma Hillary who is a professional, pathological prefabricator or granddad Bernie is … well … who knows.

Perhaps the USA is due for a Prayut.

Jack Gilead

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