How to be a good golf coach

How to be a good golf coach

Agood golf teacher is not thinking of what to say to a pupil but how to say it. The messages should be of soothing tones, as psyches are fragile of those playing poorly.

The imparting of philosophies will stir emotions and one must be careful not to use many words when only a few will do!

A good golf coach should always bring a student back to a golf swing's basic mechanics on which any good swing is built. They work with different students as individuals and do not try to fit them into a mould.

In a golf swing, a fine change can make a huge difference. The natural inclination is to begin to overdo the tiny change that has brought success. So you exaggerate in an effort to improve even more, and soon you are lost and confused again.

Lessons are not to take the place of practice but to make practice worthwhile.

Out of Bounds: If you play poorly one day, forget it. If you play poorly the next time, review your fundamentals of grip, stance, aim and ball position. Most mistakes are made before the club is swung.

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