iEat For Life
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iEat For Life


This free application is basically a guideline and recommendations for individuals living with breast cancer.

The interface is simple. The application is divided into three sections - Look For, Avoid and Recipes. The first section provides information regarding certain types of food, beverages and dietary supplements that breast cancer patients should opt for.

There are also many sub-categories in this section including cereal, deli, freezer, grocery, produce and seafood.

Each sub-category details various types of food with information as to how it helps with breast cancer and so forth. The second section "Avoid" provides, as its name suggests, certain things breast cancer patients should abstain from such as alcoholic drinks, fried meat, red meat and folic acid. Each item reasons how consuming it is likely to harm the health.

The last section "Recipes" features a number of interesting healthy recipes which can be good for those suffering the malignancy. Recipes' sub-categories are beverages, breakfast, dessert, dinner, lunch, snacks and spice mix and dressings. Each provides a full list of ingredients and preparation methods that are easy to follow.

But even if you are not suffering breast cancer, this application is indeed a knowledgeable read which provides interesting information that can be a good protective shield against the disease. The fact that miso soup with seaweed can help cut the risk of developing breast cancer, for instance, is worth knowing even though you have not yet fallen victim to breast cancer.

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