Virus cases rising again

A child received a Covid-19 vaccination from a nurse at the Central Vaccination Center at Bang Sue Grand Stataion in Bangkok on Sunday. The government has recently allowed parents to vaccinate children aged five to 11 years old. (Photo: Apichart Jinakul)
A child received a Covid-19 vaccination from a nurse at the Central Vaccination Center at Bang Sue Grand Stataion in Bangkok on Sunday. The government has recently allowed parents to vaccinate children aged five to 11 years old. (Photo: Apichart Jinakul)

Authorities are stepping up disease control measures once again, as the nation gets ready for a possible new surge in Covid-19 cases.

A virologist has issued a warning that new infections could reach 30,000-50,000 per day if no measures are taken.

The Interior Ministry sent out a letter to all provincial governors ordering them to come up with a plan to slow the spread of Covid-19 in their areas and strictly enforce the rules, according to permanent secretary of the interior, Suttipong Juljarern.

He said provinces which are located next to other countries have also been told to heighten security along the border, to prevent illegal crossings of migrants.

In a Facebook post, the head of Chulalongkorn University's Centre of Excellence in Clinical Virology, Yong Poovorawan, said the region is experiencing an increase in Covid-19 cases.

"Covid-19 cases are also on an upward trend in Thailand and the country may see daily cases reach 30,000-50,000," Dr Yong said, noting that if positive results from antigen test kits (ATKs) are included in the figures, then Thailand's daily cases would have probably exceeded 25,000.

On Sunday, there were 8,814 positive ATK results.

Dr Yong urged asymptomatic people who test positive to urgently isolate without taking a RT-PCR test to confirm the infection.

The Public Health Ministry is planning to open more hotel isolation facilities and introduce the UCEP Plus programme, which would cover Covid patients with moderate and severe symptoms.

The head of the Faculty of Medicine at Siriraj Hospital on Sunday asked the public, especially those in at-risk groups, to immediately get a booster shot.

He said people may be able to enjoy this year's Songkran holiday if the national vaccination campaign is successful.

"This year's Songkran festival will be a test. If the number of cases reaches around 20,000 and vaccinations maintain their current pace, we may have to reconsider how much fun we can afford to have during the holidays," he said.

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  • asymptomatic (adj): (of a person or illness) having no symptoms, i.e., not signs of a disease or medical condition - ไร้อาการ
  • booster (noun): something that gives extra strength - สิ่งที่เพิ่มกำลังหรือความแข็งแรง
  • campaign: a planned series of activities - การรณรงค์
  • enforce : to make sure laws are obeyed - บังคับให้ใช้, บังคับให้ทำ, ใช้กำลังบังคับให้ปฏิบัติตาม
  • exceed: to go beyond an official limit; to be greater than a number or amount - เกินปริมาณ
  • heighten: (of emotions) to cause to become stronger - เพิ่ม, ทำให้แข็งแรงขึ้น,ทำให้สำคัญขึ้น
  • Interior Ministry: the Thai ministry with responsibility over the Royal Thai Police, local administrations, internal security, citizenship, disaster management, land management, issuing national identity cards and public works - กระทรวงมหาดไทย
  • isolate: to separate from other people - แยกจากกัน
  • measures (noun): actions taken to solve a particular problem - มาตรการ
  • migrant: someone who travels to another place or country in order to find work (an immigrant is someone who comes to live in a country from another country) - ผู้อพยพ, คนงานต่างถิ่น
  • provincial (adj): related to "provinces" , the different parts of a country - ประจำจังหวัด, ส่วนท้องถิ่น
  • severe: very serious and worrying - ที่รุนแรง ที่น่าเป็นห่วง
  • trend: a gradual change or development that produces a particular result   - ทิศทาง แนวโน้ม
  • vaccination (noun): giving someone a vaccine, usually by injection to prevent them from getting a disease - การฉีดวัคซีน
  • virologist: a scientist who studies and treats illnesses caused by viruses - นักไวรัสวิทยา
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