African countries want answers over old rice sale
published : 28 May 2024 at 11:32
writer: Gary Boyle

The Foreign Ministry will meet with diplomats from African countries to address concerns following reports that Thailand plans to sell 15,000 tonnes of 10-year-old rice to their countries.
Deputy Prime Minister and Commerce Minister Phumtham Wechayachai said the planned auctioning of the old rice has become controversial because government critics raised suspicions about quality and safety despite lab tests confirming the rice is safe to eat.
He said he is aware of concerns being raised by the African envoys in Thailand, and the Foreign Ministry is preparing to meet them to answer their questions.
African diplomats' concerns about the controversial rice were reported by, which quoted a report from the Kenya-based Nation news website.
According to the Isra news centre, African diplomats in Bangkok shared their concerns with the Foreign Ministry and demanded authorities explain the plan to sell the 10-year-old rice to Africa rather than at home.
The African diplomats' concerns come as the Public Warehouse Organisation (PWO) is preparing to auction off the old rice stocks.
According to the PWO, 15,000 tonnes of rice will be auctioned off from two warehouses. The rice is from the Yingluck Shinawatra administration's controversial rice-pledging scheme
Potential bidders in the rice auction can inspect the rice at the warehouses from May 31 to June 7. The auction will be held on June 17.
Learn from listening
- auction: a usually public sale of goods or property, where people make higher and higher bids (= offers of money) for each thing, until the thing is sold to the person who will pay most - การขายโดยการประมูล, การขายทอดตลาด
- auction: to sell through an auction (a usually public sale of goods or property, where people make higher and higher bids for each thing, until the thing is sold to the person who will pay most - การขายโดยการประมูล, การขายทอดตลาด) นำไปขายโดยการประมูล
- bidder: a person or company who makes an offer to buy/sell something at a specific price - ผู้ประมูล ผู้ยื่นเสนอราคา
- concern: a worry - ความกังวล
- controversial: causing disagreement or disapproval - ความไม่ลงรอยกัน
- critic: a person who expresses disapproval of somebody/something and talks about their bad qualities, especially publicly - ผู้วิจารณ์, ผู้จับผิด, ผู้วิเคราะห์
- diplomat: an official whose job is to represent their government in a foreign country - นักการทูต
- envoys (noun): people who are sent as representatives from one government or organisation to another - ทูต
- pledge: to give something valuable to someone as a way of promising that you will pay them money later - จำนำ
- potential: possible in the future - ที่อาจเป็นไปได้
- scheme: a plan for achieving something, especially something illegal or dishonest - แผนการ (ที่มีท่าว่าจะผิดกฎหมาย)
- stock: an amount of something that you keep so that you can use it when you need it - ที่เก็บไว้ในสต๊อก
- suspicion (noun): a belief that a crime or improper activity has been committed - ความสงสัย
- tonne: (or ton) 1,000 kilogrammes -