Heavy rains stop Koh Chang ferries and tours

Flooding hit Ko Chang in Trat province on Sunday. (Photo from the Provincial Electricity Authority of Trat province)
Flooding hit Ko Chang in Trat province on Sunday. (Photo from the Provincial Electricity Authority of Trat province)

TRAT: Ferry services and coastal and waterfall tours were halted after water runoff flooded low-lying properties on Koh Chang after torrential rain and rough seas.

Local officials reported runoff and overflowing canals on the island following more than two days of torrential rain. Several roads, bridges and properties near waterways were damaged.

Motorists were advised to stay away from flooded roads and bridges due to powerful currents, which already engulfed several vehicles.

The management of Mu Ko Chang National Park closed Khlong Plu and Tan Mayom waterfalls, which were flowing heavily. It also suspended coral tours on Ko Rang island due to rough seas.

Floodwater was reportedly 30-50 centimetres deep in some villages. Several properties near waterways were at least one metre under water. Strong currents slammed branches and logs against bridges.

Severe runoff occurred on Sunday morning. The levels of local canals were fluctuating as runoff from the island's mountainous terrain continued. Local authorities said they might ask the navy to pick up tourists if rough seas continued.


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  • current: a strong movement of water in one direction - กระแสน้ำ
  • engulf: to cover or surround something in a way that harms or destroys it - ปกคลุม
  • fluctuate: to change or vary, especially continuously and between one level or thing and another - ผันแปร, ขึ้นๆ ลงๆ
  • runoff: rainfall that cannot be taken in by the soil and which flows into rivers, lakes or the sea - น้ำหลาก, ปริมาณของเหลวที่ไหลออก
  • slammed (verb): hit with great force - ชนเข้าอย่างแรง
  • suspend: to stop for a period of time - ยกเลิกชั่วคราว, ระงับชั่วคราว
  • terrain: an area of land, usually one that has particular physical features - ภูมิประเทศ
  • torrential rain: extremely heavy rain - ฝนไหลเชี่ยว

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