Suvarnabhumi cabbies threaten to cut back services

Taxi drivers at Suvarnabhumi airport have threatened to refuse to take extra bags from travellers if the Transport Ministry fails to ensure that app-based services won’t compete unfairly once they are legalised next year. (Post file photo)
Taxi drivers at Suvarnabhumi airport have threatened to refuse to take extra bags from travellers if the Transport Ministry fails to ensure that app-based services won’t compete unfairly once they are legalised next year. (Post file photo)

Suvarnabhumi airport taxi drivers have threatened to withdraw some services starting on Nov 1 in a protest against what they say is the government’s failure to ensure fair competition once app-based ride services are legalised.

The drivers complain that the Transport Ministry and its Land Transport Department have declined to discuss assistance for conventional taxi drivers as promised. The department is preparing to legalise app-based services such as Grab by March.

Drivers’ representatives had been seeking an increase in fares and airport surcharges but received no response, said Sadit Jaithiang, president of the Thai Public Taxi Association.

As a result, he said, drivers at Suvarnabhumi plan to protest by limiting the number of bags they will take. The total number of bags must be no greater than the total number of passengers in the car.

Passengers with more bags would have to call another taxi for service, he said, adding that this would start on Nov 1.

Taxi drivers’ representative Santi Patiphanrat said the transport minister had ordered the Land Transport Department to form a committee with cabbies’ representatives to work out solutions for drivers who would be affected by app-based services within a month, but the deadline had passed. The department had not contacted their representatives to invite their input, he said.

Taxi fares have been frozen for six years and drivers also want the government to extend the service time of metered taxis from nine to 12 years, he added.

Taxi drivers plan to rally at the Transport Ministry on Nov 7 to inquire about progress on solutions for their problems, Mr Pallop said.

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  • cabbie: a person whose job is to drive a taxi - คนขับรถแท็กซี่
  • committee: a group of people who are chosen, usually by a larger group, to make decisions or to deal with a particular subject - คณะกรรมการ
  • conventional: usual or normal - ธรรมดา
  • deadline: a time or day by which something must be done - เส้นตาย
  • frozen: staying at the same level or amount -
  • legalise: to make something be according to the law - ทำให้มีอำนาจตามกฎหมาย ทำให้ถูกต้องตามกฎหมาย
  • rally: a large public gathering of people to support someone or to protest against something - การชุมนุม
  • representatives (noun): people who have been chosen or elected by a person or group to vote, give opinions, or make decisions for them - ผู้แทน
  • surcharge (noun): an extra amount of money you must pay; an added charge - เก็บเงินเพิ่ม, คิดเงินเพิ่ม

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