85% of shops sell cigarettes to youngsters

A survey finds most shops sell cigarette to underage customers. (Bangkok Post photo)
A survey finds most shops sell cigarette to underage customers. (Bangkok Post photo)

Most shops have sold cigarettes to underage customers, according to Ronnachai Kongsakon, director of the Tobacco Control Research and Knowledge Management Centre at Mahidol University.

Citing research on tobacco retailing, Dr Ronnachai said 85% of convenience stores and grocery stores admit they do not check the age of customers buying cigarettes.  

The findings came from a survey in 12 provinces for which 3,982 people and 1,039 store operators responded to questionnaires

Two-thirds of shop operators said they have sold cigarettes either in packs or individually to people under the age of 20, the legal limit for cigarette purchases.

The research also found the average age of young smokers is 14. 

The findings show cigarettes are easily available to youngsters and that not enough people understand the dangers of smoking. 

The centre said the Public Health and Education ministries should increase efforts to educate youngsters about the harm smoking poses to themselves and the people around them, while tightening law enforcement to prevent the sale of cigarettes to underage customers.

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  • cite: to mention something as an example - กล่าวถึง
  • convenience store: a shop/store that sells food, newspapers, etc. and often stays open 24 hours a day - ร้านสะดวกซื้อ
  • enforcement: the process of making sure that something happens, especially that people obey a law or rule - การบังคับใช้กฎหมาย
  • finding (noun): results, what people "find" or discover by doing some research or activity - ผลของการสืบค้น, ผลของการค้นหา
  • grocery store: a shop/store that sells food and other things used in the home - ร้านขายของชำ
  • harm: damage - ความเสียหาย
  • packet: a small paper or cardboard container in which a number of small objects are kept or sold - ห่อของเล็กๆ
  • questionnaire (noun): a written list of questions that are answered by a number of people so that information can be collected from the answers - แบบสอบถาม
  • survey: to ask a large number of people questions to find out their opinions - สำรวจ
  • tighten (verb): to make something tighter, more fixed and secure or stricter - ทำให้แน่น, ทำให้เข้มงวดยิ่งขึ้น, ทำให้แน่นหรือตึงขึ้น, ผูกให้แน่น,
  • tobacco (noun): a substance that people smoke in cigarettes, pipes etc - ยาสูบ

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