School holidays cancelled after term delay

A vending machine sells face masks at Makkasan Airport Rail Link station. The coronavirus outbreak forces schools to close until July 1. (Photo by Somchai Poomlard)
A vending machine sells face masks at Makkasan Airport Rail Link station. The coronavirus outbreak forces schools to close until July 1. (Photo by Somchai Poomlard)

Two school breaks in October and in April next year will be scrapped due to Covid-19 disruption, according to the Education Ministry.

The current school break, which is supposed to end in the middle of May, has been pushed back to the end of June as the Covid-19 pandemic lingers.

The cabinet this week approved moving the opening of the new school term from May 16 to July 1 as the government's virus containment efforts continue.

A ban on classroom learning as well as outdoor activities started on March 18.

School terms in the next academic year were set to run from May 16 to Oct 11 and from Nov 1 to April 1 next year.

The Education Ministry says it recognises the July 1 deferment will cause disruption to its academic plans and classroom studies and will inevitably have a knock-on effect on subsequent years.

However, the ministry said a delayed school term is necessary to keep students and teachers from interacting face-to-face.

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  • containment: the process of controlling a situation or substance that could become harmful or dangerous - การควบคุมไว้
  • deferment: delay; making something happen at a later time than originally planned or expected - การเลื่อน
  • disruption: a situation in which something cannot continue because of a problem - การขัดขวาง, การหยุดชะงัก
  • face-to-face (adj): involving people who are close together and looking at each other - เผชิญหน้ากัน, ต่อหน้า
  • knock-on (adj): causing other events to happen one after another in a series - ติดต่อกัน, ต่อเนื่องกัน
  • linger (verb): to continue to exist for a long time; to continue to exist for longer than expected - ยังเหลืออยู่, ไม่รู้จักหาย, ยังค้างอยู่
  • subsequent: happening or coming after something else - ซึ่งตามมา
  • supposed to: expected or required to be; should be - ควรจะ, ควรจะเป็น

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