Chadchart backs 2am closing time

People throng Khao San Road on June 1 as pubs, bars, karaoke bars, massage parlours and other nightspots in 31 provinces classified as green zones and blue ‘tourism-oriented’ zones are allowed to resume operation. Midnight closing however remains. (Photo: Pornprom Satrabhaya) 
People throng Khao San Road on June 1 as pubs, bars, karaoke bars, massage parlours and other nightspots in 31 provinces classified as green zones and blue ‘tourism-oriented’ zones are allowed to resume operation. Midnight closing however remains. (Photo: Pornprom Satrabhaya) 

Bangkok Governor Chadchart Sittipunt says he will ask the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) to consider allowing nightspots to open until 2am.

From June 1, pubs, bars, karaoke venues, massage parlours and similar nightspots have been allowed to reopen and serve alcohol in 31 provinces, although they still have to close at midnight.

''No problems were reported after the reopening and calls are mounting for the closing time to be extended until 2am,'' Mr Chadchart said yesterday.

He supported the calls, saying an extension of the closing time would help ease overcrowding at those venues. Operators of nightspots were willing to cooperate if the government comes up with health safety measures, Mr Chadchart said.

"When alcohol sales were banned in restaurants during the pandemic, many people resorted to gathering and drinking on roadsides without any control. It is better to allow them [nightlife venues] to open and control them. It should be brought out into the open,'' he said.

Regarding the possibility of easing the face mask-wearing rule, Mr Chadchart said the CCSA will make a decision, but City Hall will recommend such a move considering that the Covid-19 situation in Bangkok is starting to improve.

A source at City Hall said the Bangkok communicable disease committee will meet tomorrow to discuss measures to be presented to the CCSA. They include removing the face mask in public areas.


  • back: to support - สนับสนุน
  • call (noun): a request, an order or a demand for somebody to do something or to go somewhere - ข้อเรียกร้อง
  • City Hall: a city government, in this case, the Bangkok city government - กรุงเทพมหานคร
  • decision (noun): a choice or judgement that you make after thinking and talking about what is the best thing to do - การตัดสินใจ
  • extension: making a period of time longer - การขยายออกไป
  • mount: to increase - เพิ่มขึ้น
  • nightspot: a place people go to for entertainment at night - สถานบันเทิงกลางคืน
  • overcrowding (noun): having too many people or things in something ซึ่งแออัดยัดเยียด - ซึ่งแออัดยัดเยียด
  • resort to: to do something extreme or unpleasant in order to solve a problem - ใช้มาตรการรุนแรงในการแก้ปัญหา ยุติปัญหา
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