Aed Carabao didn't encroach on a forest

The Royal Forest Department has cleared musician Yuenyong Opakul, aka Aed Carabao, of an allegation that two blocks of land he owns in Saraburi encroach on protected forest.

The department said on Thursday it had checked the titles deeds and confirmed they did not encroach on any forest reserve or classified forest area.

Anti-corruption activist Veera Somkwamkid and anti-corruption officials had alleged the 68-year-old singer had land use documents for two blocks totalling 35 rai inside the Tab Kwang and Muak Lek forest reserve in Kaeng Khoi district.

They filed their complaint with police on Tuesday.

The department also mentioned the allegation that adjacent land was rented and fences were put up to block local people from collecting bamboo.

It said the adjacent land was a part of the forest reserve and the fences were built by a foreign company which used the land for adventure activities.

The Royal Forest Department would investigate how the Land Department had granted the use of the adjacent block of land.

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  • adjacent: very near, next to, or touching - ติดกัน
  • block: an area of land -
  • complaint: when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory - การร้องเรียน
  • corruption (n): dishonest or illegal behaviour, especially of people in authority -
  • encroach: to gradually enter, cover or take control of more and more of an area of land or sea - บุกรุก, ล่วงล้ำ
  • fence: a structure made of wood or wire supported with posts that is put between two areas of land as a boundary, or around a garden/yard, field, etc. to keep animals in, or to keep people and animals out - รั้ว
  • reserve forests: protected forests; forests that are set aside for animals, trees and plants -
  • title deed: a land ownership paper - โฉนด
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