Men advised against masturbating during video calls
published : 14 Feb 2023 at 13:24
writer: Gary Boyle

Police have warned that men who masturbate during video calls may leave themselves open to blackmail by gangs using fake profile photos of beautiful women.
Several Thai males, both children and adults, had already fallen prey to these gangs, police said on Tuesday.
The gangs used fake photos of attractive women in their profiles and sent friend requests to men on social media. After they became online friends, the chats would become sexual and eventually the men would be asked to turn on their camera and then masturbate during a video call.
The gangs recorded the videos and used them to blackmail the victims, police said.
If the victims refused to pay, the gangs would threaten to send the videos to their friends or family, or to make them public online.
Normally, the gangs concentrated on getting money from their victims and did not share the videos. However, recently some videos had been shared even though the victims had paid the money.
Learn from listening
- attractive: pleasant to look at - น่าสนใจ
- blackmail (noun): the act of putting pressure on a person or a group to do something they do not want to do, for example by making threats or by making them feel guilty - การขู่ว่าจะเปิดโปงความลับ, หักหลัง, ขู่, ขู่กรรโชก
- concentrate (verb): to give most of your attention to one aim or activity - เพ่งความสนใจไปยัง มุ่งไปที่
- fake: made to look like something real to trick people - ปลอม
- fall prey (verb): to be harmed or affected by something bad - กลายเป็นเหยื่อ
- masturbate (verb): to give yourself sexual pleasure by rubbing your sexual organs - ช่วยตัวเอง
- threaten (verb): to say or indicate that you might do something bad or harmful, especially in order to make someone do something - ขู่เข็ญ คุกคาม ทำให้กลัว
- victims : people who are killed injured or harmed in some way from an accident, natural disaster, crime, etc. - เหยื่อผู้เคราะห์ร้าย