Beer-drinking tourist upsets netizens

A temple visitor is seen carrying beer cans at Wat Phra That Doi Suthep Ratchaworawihan in Chiang Mai on Friday. (Photos: Facebook/Chiang Mai News)
A temple visitor is seen carrying beer cans at Wat Phra That Doi Suthep Ratchaworawihan in Chiang Mai on Friday. (Photos: Facebook/Chiang Mai News)

Pictures of a man carrying and drinking beer at a Chiang Mai temple during a visit by Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha have caused a stir online.

The pictures show an Asian man holding an open can of beer, along with two more in a clear plastic bag, just metres away from the premier’s security team at Wat Phra That Doi Suthep. Others show him clearly drinking from the cans on the grounds of the temple.

Prayut had travelled to the temple to pay his respects during his tour of the northern province.

Social media users asked how someone had managed to carry alcoholic drinks onto temple grounds as doing so is illegal. They also asked why the prime minister’s guards seemed uninterested in the violation.

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  • clear: can see through it, like a glass window - ใส
  • grounds: an area of land around a building or set of buildings - บริเวณ, สถานที่
  • guard: a person who protect somebody/something - ผู้คุ้มกัน, คนเฝ้า
  • illegal: against the law - อย่างผิดกฎหมาย
  • netizens (noun): people who use the Internet a lot - พลเมืองเครือข่ายคอมพิวเตอร์
  • pay respects to: to show deep admiration for someone/something - แสดงความเคารพ
  • security: protection; safety from attack, harm, or damage - ความมั่นคง, ระบบรักษาความปลอดภั, ความปลอดภัย
  • upset: to cause to be very worried, angry or sad about something   - ทำให้วิตกกังวล ทำให้หงุดหงิด
  • violation: an action that is against a law, agreement, principle, etc. - การฝ่าฝืน
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