Thaksin: I'm ready for jail if I come home

Thaksin Shinawatra during an online chatroom session in 2021. The fugitive ex-premier says he’s ready to serve a prison sentence if it means he can be back in Thailand and near his family.
Thaksin Shinawatra during an online chatroom session in 2021. The fugitive ex-premier says he’s ready to serve a prison sentence if it means he can be back in Thailand and near his family.

Fugitive former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra says he is ready to go to jail in Thailand provided he is allowed to spend the rest of his life with his family.

Speaking in an interview with Kyodo News during a trip to Tokyo, Thaksin said he was possibly returning to Thailand this year, following years of living in self-exile abroad. He was ousted in a military coup in 2006 and left the country in 2008 before being sentenced to two years’ imprisonment for conflict of interest.

“Now I’ve served 16 years already in the big jail because they prevent me from staying with my family,” said Thaksin, now 73, referring to his life away from his home country.

“I’ve suffered enough. If I were to suffer again in a smaller jail, it is OK.

“It is not really the price I need to pay but I will pay, because I want to stay with my grandchildren. I should spend the rest of my life with my children and my grandchildren.”

The billionaire, who served as prime minister from 2001 to 2006, expressed confidence that the Pheu Thai Party will win the May 14 election.

His youngest daughter, Paetongtarn Shinawatra, is expected to be one of three prime ministerial candidates from the party.

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  • candidate: a person who is trying to be elected - ผู้สมัครรับเลือกตั้ง
  • confidence: being certain of your abilities or of having trust in people, plans, or the future - ความมั่นใจ
  • conflict of interest: a situation in which someone cannot make a fair decision because they will be affected by the results - ผลประโยชน์ทับซ้อน
  • coup: the seizure of power in a country by a group of people, usually members of the armed forces - รัฐประหาร
  • election (noun): the process of choosing a person or a group of person for a position, especially by voting - การเลือกตั้ง
  • exile: a situation in which you live in a foreign country because you feel you cannot live in your own country, usually for political reasons - การลี้ภัย การถูกขับออกนอกประเทศ
  • fugitive (noun): someone who has been accused of doing something illegal and is trying to avoid being caught by the police - ผู้หลบหนี
  • imprisonment: the punishment of being put in prison - การจำคุก
  • jail (noun): a prison - เรือนจำ, ห้องขัง, คุก
  • ministerial: involving government ministers - ระดับรัฐมนตรี
  • ousted: forced out of a position of power - ขับออกจากอำนาจ
  • prevent (verb): to stop somebody from doing something; to stop something from happening - ขัดขวาง, ป้องกัน, กัน, กีดขวาง
  • suffer: to be badly affected by a very difficult or unpleasant situation - ประสบความลำบาก
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