Cannabis backers start hunger strike

Police look on as cannabis advocates protest against the government’s plan to relist the plant as a narcotic outside Government House on Wednesday. They have vowed to stay until parliament passes a law to control the use of the plant. (Photo: Chanat Katanyu)
Police look on as cannabis advocates protest against the government’s plan to relist the plant as a narcotic outside Government House on Wednesday. They have vowed to stay until parliament passes a law to control the use of the plant. (Photo: Chanat Katanyu)

Pro-cannabis activists on Wednesday began a hunger strike to demand that the government listen to their views, as the Office of the Narcotics Control Board (ONCB) affirmed that parts of the plant would be relisted as a narcotic on Jan 1.

The board said on Wednesday that it would probably consider the recriminalisation of cannabis late this month. If the proposal is approved, the minister of public health would move to have it published in the Royal Gazette, to take effect on Jan 1, 2025.

The date was set to give a grace period of a few months for operators concerned about their legal status to adapt and apply for new licences, the board said.

The law will prohibit the possession, import and sale of cannabis flowers and resin unless one has licences to do so from the Ministry of Public Health.

“After cannabis is relisted as a narcotic, it can be used for medical purposes only and the use must be approved. The ONCB will arrest those who use it for recreation,” the board said.

A spokesperson for the Bhumjathai Party said cannabis was decriminalised only two years ago and people had invested tens of billions of baht in related business.

The activist group Writing Thai Cannabis’ Future said on Wednesday that they would stage a hunger strike until the government agrees to hold hearings to examine the benefits of cannabis.

The group started a demonstration against the recriminalisation of cannabis at Government House on Monday.

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  • backer: someone who strongly supports someone or something - ผู้สนับสนุน
  • board: a group of people who have the responsibility of managing important business or government activities - คณะกรรมการ
  • decriminalise: make not criminal, so that people can do activity without breaking the law -
  • demonstration: an occasion when a group of people gather together to support or protest about something - การชุมนุม
  • grace period (noun): an extra period of time before something must be done; an extra period of time someone is given before they have to make a payment, and are penalized if they are not - ระยะผ่อนผัน
  • hunger strike: a refusal to eat by a person or group of people until a demand is met - การอดอาหารประท้วง
  • licence: an official document that gives someone permission to do or use something - ใบอนุญาต
  • narcotic: an illegal drug such as heroin, cocaine or crystal methamphetamine - ยาเสพย์ติด
  • possession: having or owning something - การครอบครอง
  • prohibit: to not allow; to ban - ห้าม
  • proposal: a plan or suggestion for a group to consider - ข้อเสนอ
  • recreation: a particular activity that somebody does when they are not working - สันทนาการ, นันทนาการ, การละเล่น
  • recriminalisation: making some activity or substance illegal again -
  • status: legal position - สถานะ

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