Belgian held after hotel room break-ins
published : 2 Aug 2024 at 08:31
writer: Gary Boyle

A 26-year-old Belgian man has been arrested on charges of stealing cash and valuables from the hotel rooms of three Malaysian tourists in Hat Yai.
He is also suspected of burglaries in two other southern tourist provinces. Immigration officers, local police and tourist police arrested the man during a raid on a hotel room in Songkhla on Thursday.
The arresting team found 52,000 baht in cash, five mobile phones, two watches, two Malaysian credit cards and other items worth about 200,000 baht in all. The officers believed all of the items were stolen.
The arrest followed complaints from three Malaysian tourists who had been staying at a hotel in downtown Hat Yai. Police discovered that the Belgian suspect was staying at the same hotel at the time.
The arresting team later received a tip-off from staff at another hotel in Songkhla that the suspect had checked in there.
A check showed the suspect was believed to have stolen cash and valuables from hotel rooms in Krabi and Phuket. He was also found to have overstayed his visa by 63 days.
Learn from listening
- break-in (noun): an entry into a building, car, etc., using force, usually to steal something - การบุกรุกเข้าไป (เช่น บ้าน, รถ, ที่ทำงาน)an entry into a building using force, usually to steal something
- complaint: when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory - การบ่น, ข้อที่ไม่พอใจ
- immigration officer: an official who works for the government agency dealing with people entering and leaving the country and those who want to live there - เจ้าหน้าที่สำนักงานตรวจคนเข้าเมือง
- overstay: stay in a country for longer than you are allowed to stay, not leaving when your visa to stay in the country ends -
- raid: to use force to enter a place suddenly in order to arrest people or search for something such as illegal weapons or drugs - บุกเข้าจับ, เข้าตรวจค้น
- stolen (verb): (past participle of steal) illegally taken from someone/somewhere - กริยาช่องที่ 3 ของ steal ถูกขโมย, โจรกรรม
- suspect: a person who is thought to have committed a crime - ผู้ต้องสงสัย
- suspected: thought to have done something wrong - เป็นที่สงสัย
- tip-off: secret information or a warning given by someone - ข่าวเตือน จากวงใน
- valuables: small possessions that are worth a lot of money, for example jewellery - ของล้ำค่า