Drug bust at hut in Phuket
published : 27 Aug 2024 at 09:56
writer: Gary Boyle
ORIGINAL SOURCE/WRITER: Achadthaya Chuenniran

Three people were arrested and crystal methamphetamine and weapons seized when police raided on a hut on Kamala hill in Phuket.
The raid followed reports of a drug network operating in the Kamala area.
Investigators reported on Sunday that a group of young people were taking drugs in a secluded hut on forested Kamala hill in Kathu district.
Armed police made their way to the hut, where they arrested three people - two Thais and a Malaysian man.
Police seized crystal meth, guns and ammunition.
During questioning, the gang leader allegedly admitted the drugs and weapons belonged to him.
He said the weapons were used to threaten and keep nearby residents away from the hut, according to police.
Learn from listening
- admitted (verb): agreed that something is true, especially when you are unhappy, sorry or surprised about it - ยอมรับ
- ammunition: bullets, bombs, etc that can be fired from a weapon - อาวุธยุทธภัณฑ์, ลูกกระสุน
- crystal methamphetamine (noun): a white crystalline form of the drug methamphetamine that people take by inhaling through the nose, smoking it or injecting it with a needle -
- hut: a small, simply built house or shelter - กระท่อม, กระต๊อบ
- investigator: someone whose job is to officially find out the facts about something - ผู้สอบสวน, ผู้สำรวจ, ผู้ตรวจสอบ
- network: a large system of connected parts, organisations, people, etc. - เครือข่าย
- raid (noun): a short (surprise) attack on an enemy or group - การจู่โจม,การโจมตี, การบุกเข้า
- resident: a person who lives in a particular area - ผู้ที่อาศัยในท้องที่
- secluded (adjective): without contact with the outside world, private, hidden, withdrawn, isolated - ไม่ติดต่อโลกภายนอก, สันโดษ, อยู่ลำพังคนเดียวหรือห่างไกลจากชุมนุมชน
- seize: to take something using official power and force - จับกุม
- threaten (verb): to say or indicate that you might do something bad or harmful, especially in order to make someone do something - ขู่เข็ญ คุกคาม ทำให้กลัว