Woman bitten by snake in cinema seeks more damages
published : 25 Sep 2024 at 07:10
writer: Gary Boyle

A woman who was bitten by a snake in a movie theatre two months ago has turned down an offer of additional compensation from the cinema operator, which has already paid her hospital costs.
Kornphapiporn Phok-Imsin, 27, said the company on Monday offered her 6,990 baht in compensation, but she wants more.
On Tuesday she contacted the Interior Ministry and the Sai Mai Tong Rod Facebook page, a popular page that deals with public complaints about many issues.
She said the incident took place when she and her family visited a cinema at a shopping mall in the Rama II area on July 31.
She reported taking her shoes off while watching the movie and felt something crawling on her feet.
Ms Kornphapiporn said she shook her feet and felt a sharp pain on her left foot where she found two red spots similar to a bite mark of a snake.
She told the staff, got first aid and went to a nearby hospital where the doctor said she might have been bitten by a venomous snake. She was treated and paid a 25,000-baht hospital bill.
Ms Kornphapiporn filed a report with police and the theatre reimbursed her hospital bill over a week later, after multiple requests.
The Interior Ministry will work with the police, noting that this could be a criminal case given the threat to public safety.
Learn from listening
- bite (verb): (bite, bit, bitten) to use your teeth to cut into or through something - กัด
- cinema (noun): movie theater, movie house - โรงภาพยนต์
- compensation (noun): money that someone receives because something bad has happened to them - การจ่ายเงินชดเชย
- complaint: when someone says that something is wrong or not satisfactory - การบ่น, ข้อที่ไม่พอใจ
- crawl: to move along the ground on your hands and knees or with your body close to the ground - คลาน
- damages: money that a court awards to a person who sued another person for causing injury to them -
- Interior Ministry: the Thai ministry with responsibility over the Royal Thai Police, local administrations, internal security, citizenship, disaster management, land management, issuing national identity cards and public works - กระทรวงมหาดไทย
- pain: the feelings that you have in your body when you have been hurt or when you are ill/sick; mental or emotional suffering - ความเจ็บปวด
- reimburse: to make a payment to someone who has spent or lost money on something - ชำระเงินคืน
- seek: to try to obtain or achieve something - พยายามได้มา
- threat: a danger - อันตราย
- venomous: producing venom (the poisonous liquid that some snakes, spiders, etc. produce when they bite or sting you) - มีพิษ