Man sought for Khon Kaen mall shooting threat

Khon Kaen's governor joins police officers at Khon Kaen Central Plaza for an inspection on Thursday night. (Photo: Chakkrapan Natanri)
Khon Kaen's governor joins police officers at Khon Kaen Central Plaza for an inspection on Thursday night. (Photo: Chakkrapan Natanri)

Authorities are searching for a man who threatened a mass shooting at Khon Kaen Central Plaza via social media on Thursday. 

The suspect, identified as 22-year-old Myanmar national Sai Sun Paur, has not been confirmed as the actual person behind the posts on Facebook, as his photo and name may have been impersonated, police reported on Friday.

One of the posts featured a gun with a caption stating he would arrive at the shopping mall in 30 minutes.

In response, over 200 police officers were deployed to the mall at 7pm on Thursday. Customers were evacuated and shops closed early, though no shooting occurred.

The mall reopened as usual on Friday, with officers remaining to ensure public safety.

Security will be heightened in locations throughout this northeastern province during the weekend.

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  • caption: a short piece of text under a picture in a book, magazine or newspaper which describes the picture or explains what the people in it are doing or saying - คำบรรยายใต้ภาพ
  • deploy: (of police or soldiers) to put in place ready for action - ส่ง (ทหาร, ตำรวจ) ประจำการ.
  • ensure: to make certain that something happens or is done - ให้การยืนยัน, รับรอง, ให้ความมั่นใจ
  • evacuate: to force to leave an area - ถูกไล่ที่
  • heightened: increased -
  • impersonate (verb): to pretend to be somebody/something in order to trick people or to entertain them - เลียนแบบ, แกล้งทำเป็น, ปลอมเป็น
  • national: a citizen of a particular country - ประชาชน
  • security: protection; systems providing for safety from attack, harm, or damage - ระบบรักษาความปลอดภัย
  • sought (verb): (past participle of "seek") wanted, usually by the police; being looked for - ตามหา
  • suspect: a person who is thought to have committed a crime - ผู้ต้องสงสัย
  • threat: saying that you might do something bad or harmful, especially in order to make someone do something - การขู่เข็ญ การคุกคาม ทำให้กลัว

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