Singaporean dies after massage on Phuket beach
published : 10 Dec 2024 at 08:13
writer: Gary Boyle
ORIGINAL SOURCE/WRITER: Achadthaya Chuenniran

A Singaporean on holiday in Phuket has died shortly after a body massage at Patong beach, police said.
Police were informed by a beach massage shop at Patong there was problem involving a Singaporean tourist, about 11.03pm on Saturday.
Lee Mun Tuck, 52, had been given an oil body massage on the beach for 45 minutes. He had relaxed after the service and then stopped breathing, police said.
The massage shop had asked police and medics for help after the man was given CPR but did not regain consciousness.
Police said Lee's wife refused to allow an autopsy and was taking his body back home for religious rites.
The name of the massage shop was not given.
It was second death over the weekend involving massage. A luk thung-mor lam singer died on Sunday after three massage rounds, two of them to her neck.
Learn from listening
- autopsy: a medical examination of a dead person’s body to find out why they died - การชันสูตรศพ
- breathing (noun): bringing air in and out of the lungs - การหายใจ
- consciousness: awareness - ความตระหนักรู้
- CPR (noun): 'cardiopulmonary resuscitation’ (breathing air into the mouth of an unconscious person and pressing on their chest to keep them alive by sending air around their body) - การปั๊มหัวใจ
- inform: to tell somebody about something, especially in an official way - แจ้งให้ทราบ
- massage: the action of rubbing and pressing a person's body with the hands to reduce pain in the muscles and joints - การนวด
- refuse: to say you not want something that has been offered to you - ปฏิเสธ
- regain: to get back - บังคับรถได้เหมือนเดิม
- rite: a traditional ceremony, especially a religious one - พิธีกรรม (พระราชพิธี)