Thong Lor police do squats to atone for drunken misbehaviour

Thong Lor police perform 10 squats in Bangkok on Tuesday. (Photo: Wassayos Ngamkham)
Thong Lor police perform 10 squats in Bangkok on Tuesday. (Photo: Wassayos Ngamkham)

Police at Thong Lor have punished themselves by each performing 10 squats in a show of responsibility after a drunk colleague fired a gun during an argument with a bar security guard. 

At 2.55am on Sunday, Bangkok police were called to soi Ekkamai 5-Thong Lor 10 where an armed, drunk man had fired a shot into the air.

There, they found the man pointing a gun at a bar security guard who was trying to reason with him.

The drunk man was later identified as Pol Sgt Maj Montri Meedetch of Thong Lor police station. A blood alcohol test returned a high reading of 136 milligrammes.

The station chief on Tuesday called a meeting of all 140 officers under him and emphasised the principles of the use of guns. 

He then joined all his men in performing 10 squats as a punishment and show of responsibility for the misbehaviour of their drunk colleague.  

Pol Sgt Maj Montri was discharged from duty on Monday. 


  • atone: to show that you are sorry for doing something bad or wrong - ไถ่โทษ, ชดเชย, ชดใช้
  • blood (noun): the red liquid that flows through the bodies of humans and animals - เลือด
  • chief: a person with a high rank or the highest rank in a company or an organisation - หัวหน้า, ผู้นำ
  • discharge: to make somebody leave a job -
  • drunk: having had too much alcohol to drink, i.e., drunk or intoxicated - มึนเมา
  • drunken: showing the effects of too much alcohol; involving people who are drunk - ซึ่งมึนเมา, ซึ่งดื่มเหล้ามากเกินไป
  • emphasise: to stress something such as an idea, fact or detail; to explain or show why something is important - เน้น
  • guard: a person who protect somebody/something - ผู้คุ้มกัน, คนเฝ้า
  • misbehaviour (noun): behaving badly - การประพฤติตนไม่สมควร
  • principles (noun): basic ideas or rules that explain or control how something happens or works - ทฤษฎี, ข้อปฏิบัติ, หลักปฏิบัติ
  • punishment: an act or a way of punishing somebody - การลงโทษ
  • reason: to form a judgement about a situation by considering the facts and using your power to think in a logical way - สรุป, ชี้แจงเหตุผล
  • squat (verb): to get in crouching or near-sitting position - นั่งยองๆ

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