33 Chinese tourists saved from sinking boat off Phuket

The Ameray 888 catamaran sinks off Phuket on Monday afternoon. (Photo: Marine Department)
The Ameray 888 catamaran sinks off Phuket on Monday afternoon. (Photo: Marine Department)

Thirty-three Chinese tourists were safely rescued from a sinking catamaran off Phuket on Monday afternoon.

The Phuket office of the Marine Department was informed that the catamaran, named Ameray 888, sunk about 1.6 nautical miles north of Koh Racha Yai at 12.30pm. Koh Racha Yai is located to the south of Phuket.

According to the catamaran manager the boat was leaving Koh Racha Yai for Koh Hey with 33 Chinese tourists on board when a glass window on its right side became detached and water flowed in.

The catamaran sank in about 20 minutes. The Chinese tourists, a tour guide and an apprentice – all wearing life vests – were rescued safely from the water by nearby boats.

Marine officials were investigating the cause of the incident.


  • apprentice: a young person who works for an employer for a fixed period of time in order to learn the particular skills needed in their job - ผู้ฝึกงาน
  • catamaran (noun): a fast sailing boat with two hulls - เรือใบที่มีลำเรือสองลำ
  • detach: to remove a part from something - ถอดออก, แยกออก
  • investigate: to try to find out the facts about something in order to learn the truth about it - ตรวจสอบหาความจริง
  • nautical mile: a unit of distance used at sea which is equal to 1852 metres -
  • rescue: to save a person or animal from a dangerous or unpleasant situation - ช่วยชีวิต
  • sunk (past of sink): having fallen to the bottom river, lake, sea, etc. - จมอยู่ใต้น้ำ

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