Foreigners die after music festival in Phuket

The venue for the Electric Daisy Carnival Thailand 2025 in Phuket (photo supplied)
The venue for the Electric Daisy Carnival Thailand 2025 in Phuket (photo supplied)

Two foreign visitors died after attending a world-renowned electric dance music festival in Phuket on Saturday night.

Both foreigners, an American and a Canadian, passed out at the Electric Daisy Carnival Thailand 2025 music festival in Thalang district Saturday night.

According to police, Canadian Sharfaraz Maqbul Ahmed, 28, was brought to Thalang Hospital at 8.50pm on Saturday. On arrival he was unconscious but still had a pulse.

Hospital staff then tried to resuscitate him but he was pronounced dead at 9.26pm on Saturday.

American Minh Nguyen Quang Phan, 32, was taken from the music festival venue to Thalang Hospital at 11.35pm on Saturday. Resuscitation attempts failed and he was pronounced dead at 12.30am on Sunday.

Police and staff of Thalang Hospital could not immediately identify the cause of the deaths. The bodies will be examined at Vachiraphuket Hospital.


  • attempt (noun): when a person tries to do something or achieve some goal, makes an effort to do it - ความพยายาม
  • identify: to recognise something and understand what it is - ระบุชื่อ
  • pronounced dead: officially confirmed to have died -
  • pulse (noun): the regular beat of blood as it is sent around the body, that can be felt in different places, especially on the inside part of the wrist; the number of times the blood beats in a minute - ชีพจร, อัตราการเต้นของหัวใจ, จังหวะการเต้นของหัวใจ
  • renowned (adj): famous and admired for a special quality, skill or achievement - ที่มีชื่อเสียง
  • resuscitate  (verb): to make an unconscious person start to breathe again; to revive; to bring back to life - ช่วยชีวิต, ช่วยให้่ฟื้นชีพ, ฟื้นฟู, ทำให้เกิดขึ้นอีก
  • unconscious : in a sleeplike condition, usually from an illness or injury - หมดสติ

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