Students burned by teacher's science experiment

Students' heads are seen bandaged after they burned during a science experiment in Thailand's Phetchabun province, on Tuesday. (Photo: Phetchabun online news Facebook page)
Students' heads are seen bandaged after they burned during a science experiment in Thailand's Phetchabun province, on Tuesday. (Photo: Phetchabun online news Facebook page)

Four boys in Phetchabun were injured by sparks while they were watching a teacher’s science experiment using engine oil that had accidentally been mixed with gasoline. 

The incident occurred on Tuesday at Na Chaliang Pittayakom School, a Petchabun online news Facebook page reported.

The teacher in charge of the experiment, identified as Lerkchai, said he had used engine oil in a stove that was typical DIY equipment. Engine oil typically does not catch fire.

Mr Lerkchai believed that the oil container had previously been used to store flammable petrol, causing sparks when he poured the liquid into the equipment.

Four students standing close to the activity suffered burns to their faces and bodies. They were rushed to hospital for treatment and later released, online media reported.

The incident was shared online, drawing many comments from netizens hoping the boys recover soon. Several other students present during the experiment commented, saying it was an accident and not the teacher’s fault.

The school director said that the incident happened during a science class for Grade 8 students. The teacher took immediate action to help the injured students and informed their parents. He later visited them to follow up on their recovery. 


  • burn (noun): an injury or a mark caused by fire, heat or acid - บาดแผลเนื่องจากการเผาไหม้
  • fault: something that is wrong or not perfect; something that is wrong with a machine or system that stops it from working correctly - ข้อผิดพลาด, ข้อบกพร่อง
  • flammable: likely to burn very quickly and easily - ซึ่งไวไฟ, ซึ่งลุกเป็นไฟได้ง่าย
  • incident: something that happens, usually something bad - เหตุการณ์
  • petroleum (noun): oil coming from the ground - น้ำมันปิโตรเลียม, น้ำมันดิบ, น้ำมันจากดิน
  • spark: a very small piece of burning material - ประกายไฟ
  • stove: a machine or a piece of equipment that provides heat for cooking or heating a room - เตาทำอาหาร, เตาให้ความพร้อม
  • typical: happening in the usual way; showing what something is usually like - ตามแบบฉบับ, ตามปกติ
  • typically: usually; normally - อย่างเป็นแบบฉบับ

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