Magic touch

Photos by Varuth Hirunyatheb and courtesy of GMM 25
Photos by Varuth Hirunyatheb and courtesy of GMM 25

Golf and Linn know how you’ll die

In the past few years, GMM 25 has made itself one of Thailand’s leading TV channels, producing hit show after hit show. It has teen series Hormones, comedy Love Bipolar and dramas Club Friday the Series and Long Fire. Now the channel brings us a supernatural action thriller Sumpas Rattrikarn (The Untouched), airing every Wednesday and Thursday from 8 pm.

The Untouched is about Junja, played by Mashannoad Suvalmas (Linn), a girl born with a special ability where she sees the death of every person who she touches. As Junja tries to deal with her curse, she becomes involved in a political crisis.

S Weekly recently caught up with Linn and her co-star Anuwat Choocherdratana (Golf) to talk about the hit show.

If you had the same ability as Junja, how would you use it?

Linn: It would be weird, to be honest. But I would probably be an army consultant. I like watching movies like X-Men, so I think that helping a country to win a war would be very cool.

Golf: I wouldn’t tell somebody how they’ll die. Instead, I would tell them what they can do now to fix their bad habits so they don’t kill them. I usually focus more on current situations because I believe that affects our future.

With a story about religion and politics, the show sounds serious. Is it?

Linn: Think of the show as entertainment. I don’t think the story will offend anybody. It’s a fantasy show that’s set in a time of protest.

Golf: I think that what is right and wrong is clearly presented in the show. What matters is how the audience takes our lessons and uses them in their daily lives.

Linn, the show uses a lot of CGI for the fantasy scenes. What was it like filming against blue screen?

Linn: I was quite shy acting with the blue screen. But when I focused on my goal to make each scene the best I could, the embarrassment went away. I also watched a lot of behind the scenes footage from other shows before filming.

Golf, how did you prepare for your role as a bodyguard?

Golf: Playing a policeman is similar to playing a bodyguard, so I prepared in the same way. You have to notice every detail when you’re protecting somebody.

What do you like most about the show?

Linn: Junja’s condition is interesting. She’s can’t touch anybody because her power is uncontrollable. There are people she has to protect and a house she needs to escape from. These elements push the story forward and make it very appealing.

Golf: It’s a unique show, in my opinion, with all the CGI and visual effects. It has the supernatural, action, drama and even politics.

What role would you like to play in the future?

Linn: I’ve been playing serious characters for a long time, so switching to a comedy role would be nice. But if I could really choose a role for myself, I’d play somebody that challenges me.

Golf: I want to play very different roles that I haven’t tried before, such as a gay character or a beggar. I think every role can be challenging though.

Linn, you’re also hosting the TV show TGIF. What can you tell us about it?

Linn: I work with four other hosts - Toei, Fang, Eye and Proud. We talk about fashion and lifestyle. The highlight is discussing our personal styles, since they’re different from popular trends. We’re unique, and so is the show.

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  • beggar: a person who lives by asking people for money or food - คนขอทาน
  • blue screen: (n) a blue background in front of which actors are filmed and which allows a different background to be added to the final image -
  • bodyguard: a person or a group of people who are employed to protect somebody - องครักษ์,คนคุ้มกัน
  • consultant: a person who knows a lot about a particular subject and is employed to give advice about it to other people - ผู้ให้คำปรึกษา
  • crisis: a situation that has reached and extremely difficult or dangerous point - ช่วงวิกฤต
  • curse: something that causes harm or evil - ต้นเหตุของความหายนะ
  • embarrassment: a feeling of being nervous or ashamed because of what people know or think about you - ความขวยเขิน, ความกระดากอาย
  • habit: a thing that you do often and almost without thinking, especially something that is hard to stop doing - กิจวัตร, สิ่งที่เป็นนิสัย, สิ่งที่ทำเป็นประจำ
  • offend (verb): to cause someone to be upset or angry - ก่อให้เกิดความขุ่นเคือง
  • protest: a strong complaint or disagreement - การประท้วง
  • supernatural: (adj) that cannot be explained by the laws of science and that seems to involve gods or magic -
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