Saturday: 45 new virus cases, two more deaths

Product presenters hand out alcohol gel to vendors at the Yingcharoen market in Bang Khen district of Bangkok on Saturday as part of a campaign to urge people to wash their hands and practise physical distancing to protect themselves from the Covid-19 disease. (Photo by Apichit Jinakul)
Product presenters hand out alcohol gel to vendors at the Yingcharoen market in Bang Khen district of Bangkok on Saturday as part of a campaign to urge people to wash their hands and practise physical distancing to protect themselves from the Covid-19 disease. (Photo by Apichit Jinakul)

Nine people in state quarantine, including Thais returned from abroad, are among the 45 new Covid-19 cases reported on Saturday, bringing the total to 2,518 and fatalities to 35

Dr Taweesin Visanuyothin, spokesman for the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA), said on Saturday that two patients died and 45 new infections, including nine people in state quarantine, were found on Friday. This brought cumulative cases in 68 provinces to 2,518.

One of the deaths was a 36-year-old obese Thai, who worked at a pawn shop and lived with his mother and younger sister. 

The second death was a 65-year-old Thai man who worked as a cleaner in Bangkok. 

"The number of new infections is not alarming but we have seen a lower figure of 38 cases," Dr Taweesin said, referring to an increase recorded a few days earlier.

Among the 45 new cases, many were people who had been in close contact with previous confirmed Covid-19 patients in Bangkok, Pattani and Phuket, he said.

"There are also Thai returnees from abroad and those who are in state quarantine. That’s why the CCSA has to focus on Thais who returned home from abroad. They must be given special care," he added.


  • alarming: worrying or frightening - ซึ่งน่าตกใจ
  • care for: to look after somebody who is sick, very old, very young, etc. - ดูแล
  • cumulative: increasing by one addition after another - ทับทวีขึ้น,สะสมขึ้น
  • obese (adj.): very fat; extremely over-weight - อ้วน
  • quarantine (noun): a situation in which a person or animal that might have a disease is kept separate from other people or animals so that they do not catch the disease - การกักบริเวณ, การจำกัดบริเวณ
  • returnee: someone who is "returning" to some place -
  • state: government - รัฐ
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