Three killed in speeding truck crash
published : 30 Oct 2024 at 07:53
writer: R May
ORIGINAL SOURCE/WRITER: Piyarach Chongcharoen

KANCHANABURI – Three people died and one person was injured when a pickup truck hit a vehicle at a light then crashed into a store entrance.
The speeding pickup lost control after it hit another vehicle and crashed into a roadside store on Tuesday morning.
The incident occurred at 3.36am at the Chuk Dueon intersection in Muang district.
A camera in the area captured the incident. It showed vehicles stopped at a red light and beginning to move when the light turned green. Suddenly, two speeding pickup trucks appear, racing each other.
The leading vehicle, a white Isuzu D-Max, hit a vehicle stopped at the intersection, veered out of its lane and crashed into a fitness equipment store across the road. The second pickup drove away.
Rescuers from the Pitakkarn Foundation had to use a truck to pull the Isuzu out, as it ended up on its side and embedded in the entrance of the store. Two men and a woman were found dead at the scene, according to the rescuers. A teenager was seriously injured and was rushed to a hospital.
Two of the dead people were identified as Watanyu Romkaew, 30, and Punyawee Janpien, 38. The others were not identified, and it was not known who was driving.
The driver of the vehicle who was struck at the intersection, identified as Nueng, said he saw the Isuzu coming at high speed, trying to get into his lane, and hitting the front of his vehicle. It then lost control, leading to the crash, he said.
- capture: to film/record/paint, etc. somebody/something - เก็บภาพ, จับภาพ
- crash (verb): to collide, to hit something else with force - ชน
- embedded (verb): fixed firmly into a substance or solid object - ฝังลงไป, ถูกฝัง
- identified (verb): named, searched for a discovered - ระบุ
- incident: something that happens, usually something bad - เหตุการณ์
- intersection: a place where roads, lines, etc., join or cross each other - สี่แยก
- rescuers (noun): people who save someone from a dangerous or unpleasant situation - ผู้ช่วยชีวิต
- speeding: the crime of driving your car dangerously too fast; police issue tickets for this -
- struck (past of strike) (verb): hit forcefully or violently - ตี, กระแทก, ชน
- suddenly (adverb): quickly and unexpectedly - อย่างกะทันหัน
- veer (verb): to suddenly move in a different direction - เบน, แฉลบ เสียทิศทาง