Your horoscope for 31 Jan - 6 Feb

Your horoscope for 31 Jan - 6 Feb

Your horoscope for 31 Jan - 6 Feb

Spot-on horoscope for work, money, coupled & single life from famously accurate Bangkok Post's fortuneteller. Let's see how would you fare this week & beyond!

Note: (⛹) is for work, (฿) is for money, (♥) is for coupled life and (⚤) is for single life

♈ Aries

Mar 21 – Apr 19

(⛹) After Feb 2, be ready to take on a heavier workload. Your past work may catch the attention of many and go viral. This could lead to more job opportunities. Someone may try to fool you into working for them for free.

(฿) A serious offer to buy what you put up for sale months ago is on the cards. However, you may decide to keep it, thinking you can sell it for more profit down the line.

(♥) From Feb 4-6, be careful communicating with your partner as things may get easily misconstrued. A vacation plan may get cancelled. Your ex may show up at your wedding to cause a scene. (Make sure popcorn is on the menu).

(⚤) You may meet someone interesting through work but it'll be difficult to find time to get to know them few weeks from now.

♉ Taurus

Apr 20 – May 20

(⛹) You prioritise tasks well and everything progresses smoothly. After Feb 5 be ready to deal with sudden changes and unforeseeable issues. A big conflict between colleagues is on the cards.

(฿) You may be able to sell something you've never worn from your closet. Someone may break into your car and steal stuff or you may become the victim of grand theft auto.  

(♥) A verbal spat is on the cards. After Feb 5, you'll be so busy that you don't even have time for your partner. Those in a long-distance relationship may break up before St Valentine's Day.  

(⚤) You try to avoid someone whom you already said no to. If a business trip is coming soon, a ONS may be on your agenda.

♊ Gemini

May 21 – Jun 20

(⛹) A business trip abroad comes with a lot of downtime. However, you may have a problem trying to communicate with the locals. Help from someone whom you least expect is on the cards.

(฿) You enjoy parties and other forms of socialisation, thus a thinner wallet. You may buy a trendy item on a whim only to find that it's very little to no use for you.   

(♥) You feel that your partner is controlling. You barely tolerate it and may start looking for someone new who would you let you be yourself.  

(⚤) You may decide to go public about your relationship with someone before St Valentine's Day. If you're not seeing anyone, someone whom your friend crushes on likes you.

♋ Cancer

Jun 21 – Jul 22

(⛹) Work doesn't bother you. The problem is the people you have to deal with along the way. After Feb 3, you may have to stay late at work to get something important done. Those who want to change jobs will soon receive interesting offers.

(฿) You spend more than you should. A freak accident may land you on a hospital bed and leave you with a big bill. Someone you trust may run away with your money.

(♥) Something your friend said innocently may cause you to doubt your partner's faithfulness. You don't get to spend enough quality time with your partner.

(⚤) Someone who's many years younger than you may show an interest. He/she may turn out to be bad-tempered and self-centred. (Millennial much?).

♌ Leo

Jul 23 – Aug 22

(⛹) Work progresses smoothly. When dealing with foreign clients or customers, make sure you communicate clearly and correctly. A problem that starts next week may remain unresolved for weeks to come.

(฿) You spend most of your paycheck on shopping therapy to destress. You may want something so much that you can't wait for its release. If you'll be travelling soon, you're likely to forget your wallet.

(♥) Don't expect your partner to be perfect. They may do or say something that disappoints you. You feel like an odd one when you spend time with your partner's birth family or friends.

(⚤) Leo ladies, you love receiving attention from several admirers but you don't want to settle down. Leo lads, your parents may subtly disapprove of the person you're seeing.

♍ Virgo

Aug 23 – Sept 22

(⛹) New rules endorsed by the board may bring down office morale. Despite obvious objections from the staff, the board won't budge. You may have to stick it out while looking for a new job.

(฿) You keep up with your savings goal and manage your money better. You may suffer a small loss from a bad investment someone else recommended to you.

(♥) A toxic friend or cousin on your partner's side may cause problems and fights between you two. You're tired of trying to giving them a second chance. You may consider breaking-up.

(⚤) You like two people at the same time. Each has his/her own pros and cons. St Valentine's Day is coming up  so you better choose one and let the other go. (At least on the day).

♎ Libra

Sept 23 – Oct 22

(⛹) Someone may fail to keep their promise or withdraw help from your project. As a result, you may not get as much done as you planned, but your supervisor is pleased with your performance nonetheless. Don't make a dirty joke in front of your clients.

(฿) Someone older in your family points out areas where you can cut down spending. Don't lend an expensive item because you may not get it back.

(♥) Couples may have less time for face-to-face conversations. Lovers in long-distance relationships may discuss their plans to celebrate St Valentine's Day together.

(⚤) A date with someone you matched with online may feel rushed. You're right and don't expect to hear from him/her afterward.

♏ Scorpio

Oct 23 – Nov 21

(⛹) You manage to maintain your main job and side hustle well. Your old client may introduce you to a new client. From Feb 3-4, someone may try to pick a fight with you. You see them coming for miles and put them in their place quickly.   

(฿) Business owners reach their profit goals. Employees keep track of their income and expense well. You have no problem keeping up with any debt repayment. An inheritance conflict remains unresolved.

(♥) Spouses inspire each other to go out and make it rain in order to build a future together. They may not have time to be romantic and behave more like each other's cheerleader and advisors.

(⚤) You hit it off with someone but there's a significant age gap. He/she is financially comfortable and in good shape. If you want a kid of your own one day, he/she isn't a good fit for you.

♐ Sagittarius

Nov 22 – Dec 21

(⛹) After Feb 2, be ready to overcome hurdles at work. You may be asked to do something that isn't in your job description. A meeting may turn out to be a waste of time. Someone may try to bribe you to forge invoices. Don't do it.

(฿) Make sure you put money into your savings before you shop. You may have to pay for something unexpectedly. Collectors, don't bankrupt yourself in the name of your hobby.

(♥) Couples quarrel more. You may catch your partner hanging out with their ex whom you dislike. After Feb 7, you two may decide to clear the air.

(⚤) People around you seem to be busy with their own lives and you feel a bit lonely. Try new activities to keep the boredom at bay. Your online match may turn out to be married.

♑ Capricorn

Dec 22 – Jan 19

(⛹) After Feb 2, be ready to tackle new challenges. You manage to stay cool, calm and collected though. If you're weighing several job offerings, someone wise will help you make the right decision.

(฿) If you want to make a new investment, your parents can loan you some money. You may pass an exam and receive a congratulatory gift.

(♥) You try to be more romantic but it feels like a one-sided effort. You may start to have feelings for someone who hit on you while you hit the gym.

(⚤) A makeover is on the cards. You don't consider yourself superficial but you can't deny that brand-name clothes and expensive haircut boost your self-esteem. Someone may ask you out for St Valentine's Day.

♒ Aquarius

Jan 20 – Feb 18

(⛹) You're on the lookout for freelance jobs and side hustle in anticipation of a big purchase. An online miscommunication may lead to an IRL drama. A publicity or marketing plan may draw some criticism from the public.

(฿) After going over what you need to pay each month, your desire to shop drastically drops. Your plan to secure a new source of income may take months before it materialises.

(♥) Your partner is being negative and you're fed up with it. You know what's at the root of their moodiness but still think they should be able to handle it better. 

(⚤) Someone at work may touch you inappropriately. Issuing a stern “no” out loud so everyone in the office can hear. Your online match may turn out to be a kleptomaniac.

♓ Pisces

Feb 19 – Mar 20

(⛹) Be ready for difficult tasks. You meet all deadlines but also exhaust yourself in the process. Speaking your mind even when you're asked to may backfire. Reporters or academics who are critical of the government may contemplate a plan to move to another country.   

(฿) You may have to pay for several things that you don't expect to. It'll be difficult to find someone to lend you money when you're short on cash. Don't drive when you feel sleepy.

(♥) Your partner wants to “get it on” when you want to relax and vice versa. You don't understand why your partner keeps buying things you deem useless.

(⚤) Someone whom you have a crush on may ask you to introduce them to your friend. Double ouch.

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