Winning the fight against cancer

Winning the fight against cancer

Advanced cancer prevention and treatment now available in Thailand

Winning the fight against cancer

Cancer Prevention — Cancer is not a "spontaneous eruption" in the body. In many cases, cancer can take up to twelve years to develop into disease, with a tumor appearing at about the eighth year. Lifestyle factors such as poor diet, being overweight, tobacco use, stress, environmental toxins, dental hygiene, consumption of alcohol and exposure to radiation are all risk factors that collectively contribute to the development of cancers. The Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center states, "The best way to fight cancer is to prevent it."

Early diagnosis makes cancer easier to treat and increases curability. Yearly screening tests provide the opportunity to recognize a growing cancer, before it has reached a stage at which treatment becomes difficult. Locally growing tumors can often be successfully treated when they are detected early. The biggest benefit of yearly screening is that a positive result after a year will most likely indicate an early stage of cancer, as the tumor was not detected the year before.

Are PET/CT and MRI screens really working?

According to the Journal of Clinical Oncology, cancer misdiagnoses occurs as much as 28 percent of the time, and up to 44 percent for some types of cancer.  The cancers leading the list of most misdiagnosed cancer conditions are lymphoma, breast cancer, sarcomas, and melanoma. According to Thomas C. Schlarman, MBA, CNMT, educational coordinator with the department of nuclear medicine technology at St. Louis University, physical activity may trigger a potential source of false-positive results on a traditional PET scan in about one out of eight patients. The reasons for misdiagnosis include fragmented or missing information, inadequate time for patient evaluation, and incomplete medical history.

Imaging tests work by sending types of energy, such as sound waves, x-rays, magnetic fields or radioactive particles through your body. The tissues of your body then change these energy patterns to create a picture or image. A computerized tomography (CT) scan combines a series of X-ray images taken from different angles around your body. CT scans are used to determine a cancer diagnosis. Another type of scan is the positron emission tomography (PET) scan is an imaging test that uses a radioactive drug (tracer) to show cancer activity. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a medical imaging technique that uses a magnetic field and computer-generated radio waves to create detailed images of the organs and tissues in your body. Doctors also use it to measure the size of a tumor.

Radiation exposure from these tests creates free radicals that alter cellular DNA, damage healthy cells, and often lead to cancer. The more radiation people are exposed to, the greater their lifetime risk of cancer. A CT scan emits a powerful dose of radiation, in some cases equivalent to about 400 chest X-rays, or the amount most people would be exposed to from natural sources over seven years with one scan. Over the last 15 years, radiation exposure has skyrocketed, not because of radiation treatment, but because of the use of CT scans for diagnosis. One CT scan of the abdomen or pelvis can deliver more radiation than most residents of Fukushima, Japan absorbed after the nuclear power plant accident in 2011.

The contrast dyes used in CT scans, like barium and gadolinium in MRI’s can create adverse side effects. These side effects may include; nausea, itchy rash, constipation, abdominal pain, headaches and dizziness are common side effects seen in patients who have undergone CT scan with contrast. Anaphylaxis is a serious allergic reaction to CT contrast that may result in death. A CT scan during pregnancy also increases the risk of birth defects due to exposure to radiation. Gadolinium from MRI contrast can produce a variety of effects, including oxidative stress, inflammation, damage to your DNA or genes, and neurological damage.

What is the alternative?

Advanced technology providers such as Miskawaan Health Group (MHG) use the latest scientific medical technologies for the early detection, prevention, treatment, and reversal of cancer. To avoid misdiagnosis, experienced doctors use innovative testing such as the Metavectan Tumor Test, Metavectum Predictive Diagnostic, biofilm and PanTum test. The Metavectum test is from Germany and is very accurate to determine if a patient has cancer or is cancer free. Getting a thorough, proper assessment and using mostly natural therapies is how functional medicine has great success in preventing and reversing cancer.

Metavectum Predictive Diagnostic is a combination of 1H-NMR spectorometry and RT-PCR which, is used to detect early impairment of malfunctioning of metabolic biomarkers.

Analysis on low molecular weight compounds and their corresponding enzymes provide a full picture of the metabolome. The test also tracks metabolic changes pre and post cancer treatment delivery, serving as an indicator in the event of cancer relapse or cachexia.

PanTum Detect testing can find tumors with a sensitivity of 97.5% and can rule out healthy individuals with a 99.53% specificity. This was confirmed in a study of 654 samples of donated blood, 80 blood samples from patients with inflammatory processes and 277 blood samples from patients with verified tumors, as well as in other studies. PanTum Detect testing provides the opportunity to detect a variety of tumors using a simple blood test, even tumors for which blood tests are not yet available. Screening with PanTum Detect testing is fast, comfortable and risk-free. Biofilm is tested by blood to determine if biofilm is impeding the immune system and making in more challenging for an immune response to be effective in eliminating the cancer.

The Metavectum Tumor-Therapy Test is used because tumors develop a very individual profile which is different from person to person. As a result, the medical treatment of the tumor should be carried out individually as opposed to standard generalized chemotherapy guidelines that assume all patients are identical. In the test, 80 gene expressions (RT-PCR) are determined in the transcriptome of the tumor cell. The data reveal results of a gene mutation analysis, protein levels, metabolism analysis and provide a detailed picture of the whole tumor.

Some of the advantages of this specialised cancer testing are:

- Can be done by blood test
- No radiation
- No contrast dyes
- No side effects
- Finds cancer well before CT/Pet Scan or MRI
- High test accuracy

The results from the above-mentioned Cancer Diagnostic Tests will inform the doctors’ diagnosis, and ultimately the choice of individualized therapy that matches and optimizes the client’s health profile. It is possible to customize IV therapy which can include; Vitamin C, Amygdalin, Poly-MVA, Curcumin, Artesunate, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Quercetin and more. These IV therapies are highly anti-cancer and immune supportive. Some can also reduce inflammation and pain to name a few of the many benefits. MHG also uses optimal anti-cancer nutrition, targeted anti-cancer supplementation, safe detoxification, peptide therapy, mitochondria therapy, ozone therapy, physical therapy and mind-body practices to support the immune system to achieve healing the body and reverse cancer.

Author: Miskawaan Health Group (MHG). For Further information, please contact:

Series Editor: Christopher F. Bruton, Executive Director, Dataconsult Ltd, Dataconsult’s Thailand Regional Forum provides seminars and extensive documentation to update business on future trends in Thailand and in the Mekong Region.

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